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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. The majority of accumulating snow ended up E of Painesville and into Ashtabula county last night. Looks like a boring stretch. I'm glad we at least are at 12" from Nov. Could be worse.. Bummer the lake is cooling off though.
  2. Had thundersnow last night around 10pm with the Huron band. The snowfall was very intense, but must not have lasted too long. 2.5" additional is what fell overnight.
  3. I've got 4" that fell yesterday and today. Currently getting light snow, small flakes.
  4. The Canadian has been showing a snowy upcoming weekend into next week for Northern Ohio the past few runs. As far as I can tell...it's on it's own though...
  5. Congrats man, that's awesome to hear! It's got to be extremely exciting to be able to get a job at the nws in your home area.
  6. Winter storm watch, Cle seems pretty bullish.
  7. Should be a good quick hitting event. Cle mentions a 280 flow, not quite ideal for out here (I think 290 is our ideal), but still should get some accumulation as the band shifts.
  8. 4" total, less in the grass, and minimal on paved surfaces. Nice start to the season.
  9. 32 degrees and 1.5" down. Snowing nicely, very low ratio. Should get some lake response tonight as well.
  10. No accumulation, but there were flakes last night.
  11. Just south of the "h" in Chardon, across from the "notch feature" in the county.
  12. Congrats on the first flakes everyone! Getting ours here in NE Ohio as well. Will most likely be switching to rain soon. Possible some light accums tonight. Glad to get the season started.
  13. Pretty good chance of first flakes tomorrow night. After that, we could certainly use a dry stretch to get fall cleanup done.
  14. Pretty good lake Huron fetch going on most of the afternoon. The leaves have made alot of progress the past week, quickly turning and falling.
  15. Ya if anything, the spring time is much shorter lately. Accumulating snow in April has been pretty common, with even early May seeing accumulating snow the past few years. Hoping we can hold off a substantial snow this fall as the leaves are definitely behind schedule this year.
  16. Looks like a good setup for lake effect rain this weekend and more typical October weather. "lake-effect rain showers and graupel over and east-southeast of Lake Erie as cold air deepens and lake-induced CAPE builds to moderate to strong magnitudes. Isolated lake-effect thunderstorms are possible since model soundings over the lake depict lake-induced CAPE of at least 200 J/kg in the primary charge separation zone (i.e. the cloud temperature range from 0C to -20C in the CAPE profile). Daytime highs should reach the upper 50`s to lower 60`s; much more typical for mid-October. Flow aloft becomes northwesterly Saturday night as a longwave ridge builds from the west. At the surface, a thermal trough lingers over the Great Lakes while a ridge attempts to build from the Great Plains. Multiple bands of lake-effect rain showers and isolated thunderstorms should persist east- southeast of Lake Erie Saturday night as a well-aligned west- northwesterly flow of cold and moist air continues and lake- induced CAPE remains moderate to strong. Odds favor fair weather outside the lake-effect precip. Overnight lows should reach the 40`s inland to near 50 degrees along the shore of ~67F Lake Erie."
  17. This past week the leaves have really started to quickly turn and fall. Not a lot of time to enjoy them as in years past it seems. Great October weather, looks like 70s for at least a week. Let's keep the lake warm for another month.
  18. Yep that's it. They're usually almost a season behind when they update lately.
  19. Ya, figured it was the lows.... definitely not a hot summer by any means. Color change is underway, hoping for a pleasant fall season. Let's hope the wet pattern can continue into winter. Speaking of winter...any idea why it takes Cle so long to post the winter observation totals? I always like comparing what I/we measure against other snowbelt areas.
  20. Agreed, this summer was wet and humid. Night time lows most likely causing this.
  21. Quite the storm yesterday evening. That was the first time I've received a push emergency weather alert on my phone for a severe thunderstorm warning. We had power flicker, but never went out. Looks like just southwest of here there were alot of power outages. More storms this morning.... really adding to the wet summer total. Starting to notice some trees getting some early color. Wonder if the wet, cloudy summer causes that?
  22. Ya the milky sky is something else lately. Seems like we had a few days like that last year, but seems more pronounced at least today.
  23. Just incredible, what a Summer so far. At least this week is much drier, but the yard is still too soft for the tractor. What was your June total?
  24. Another day, another few inches of rain. Just incredible lately.
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