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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. A little icy out there this morning. Cle mentioning significant snows next week in the hwo. Should be the most eventful week in a while.
  2. Awesome! Plus the clipper should bring a few inches.
  3. From driving around, there is really not much snow at all. Alot of bare ground surprisingly between fairmount and 322. Once into chardon, there is a little more than we had at home. I'd say an inch or so left on the ground.
  4. Good writeup OHweather...as always! Hopefully we can tack on a few inches to close out Dec. I'd be happy with a small-medium event the way this month has gone.
  5. I was hoping I missed something lol. It has been very disappointing. Looks like there is a chance of light snow tomorrow night, but chances are we will end Dec rather snowless. Hopefully the weekend can bring something.
  6. Hey NEOH, what's your Dec snowfall so far? I've only got .5" Want to make sure I didn't miss anything lol.
  7. Merry Christmas everyone. Hopefully next week is better than the last 3!
  8. Not too much. Always thought our best opportunity would be from lake effect afterwards. That appears to be off the table. Some flakes will definitely be nice. We really need a good storm to close out December. It's been a rather lame month, though the rocking November makes up for it I guess.
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