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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. I'm out of town this weekend, but I checked the webcam around 9am and there was a dusting in the grass. Might have been more earlier this morning.
  2. Haha! Ya I hear ya. I'm kind of on the fence still. If its not a total torch, we can still get good Les, and not worry much about lake ice. On the other hand...see 2012 lol ( I think that was the recent dud) .
  3. Finally getting some fall-like weather with the cool mornings and evenings. Trees seem to be changing rather fast now. Not sure what it means...if anything, but I have noticed a very high number of squirrels lately. Either running across the road or in the yard. Seems like a lot more than in years past.
  4. Good soaking rain today. Yard is starting to turn more green and trees are starting to turn as well. Hard to believe we are approaching the month where we may see first flakes or even accumulation. Nov 1 last year was first flakes, and the year before was the last week of October accumulating snow. The lake should be primed from the warm fall!
  5. Looks like a decent band starting to stretch into geauga county now. I've had off and on light rain or mist for a while. Should start picking up soon.
  6. Good writeup Ohweather! I'm pretty excited about this as well. My yard is pretty pathetic looking lately. Could definitely use the rain!
  7. Getting a pretty good soaker now. Definitely needed it.
  8. Absolutely raw October like day. Don't think we had much heavy rain, but off and on mist and light rain.
  9. Ya pretty decent rainfall too. Driving home very heavy rain, wind and lots of small branches in the road.
  10. Seems the switch has been shut off from the excess rain the past few months. Hot and more summer like now. Grass is starting to brown in some areas.
  11. Had a pretty good storm this afternoon. Radar estimates 1.5-2" on the east side. West side looks mostly dry.
  12. There is alot of standing water. Didn't think there was that much rain, but wunderground radar estimates 1-1.5" in a short period of time.
  13. Another heavy rain event on tap for the weekend. I bet many locations close out the month with a foot of rain. Incredible!
  14. One of the better storms in a while. Was outside with my dog and torrential rains started out of nowhere. Crazy winds too. Power still out.
  15. Has anyone seen a winter summary from nws cle? Curious how the airport did. They usually have the summary out by now, but couldn't find it.
  16. I bet you tacked on another 1" to that from last evening and overnight. One of the rainiest days we've had for a while. Even more to come later today.
  17. Ya its been nice seeing the rain. Looks to be a rainy weekend too.
  18. Wow hadn't realized just how warm this may has been. I've also noticed it seems drier than the past few springs. Today feels much more like spring. Forgot to do a winter wrap up.... I recorded (purely amateur) 109.5" of snow. A total of 36 snow "accumulating days" and average daily recording of 3". First accumulating snowfall was Nov 14, and last was April 23. Peak depth was 19" ( though there was probably a period with a few more inches). This winter had alot more substantial events than last year. Last year I had 51 recorded events averaging 2.4". Even though last winter had more snow overall, this year was better overall with the snowcover length. Just imagine if December had just average snowfall ...
  19. Yikes. Just measured 2" on the deck. Novemberish out there.
  20. What a raw day. Had snow /graupel this afternoon and on the way home. Tonight looks like more of the same.
  21. Ughhh that's ugly. Its been so nice lately. A few trees have starter to bud, and grass is growing. Was just thinking about when the first mow would be. Maybe another week or two if it stays dry.
  22. Yikes lakeshore areas are in the 30s. 61 out here, feels great!
  23. After such a snowy stretch this winter, it would be nice if they could "officially " finish avg or above. It's ridiculous that the recording is so screwed up. Hopefully tomorrow night has some surprises. I wouldn't mind one last snow, as it looks to melt quick anyways. The dry cold/cool stretch is getting old. The warmth today is awesome however!
  24. How much does Cle need to reach average?
  25. Might also be some at 271 and chagrin ...at least the visability looks really low there compared to others.
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