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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Good description of the event Trent! Even the areas outside of downtown were at a standstill (though nothing like downtown) . My 10 mile commute on 271 took an hour. I remember the rates and time period being really crazy. The 10" or so fell in the span of 4-5 hours.
  2. Looks like today is the anniversary of the surprise rush hour lake effect gridlock squall downtown. That early December was probably the best stretch of lake effect I've seen since I've lived up here. Several feet of snow piled up that week. http://www.newsnet5.com/weather/weather-news/heavy-snow-5-years-ago-leaves-downtown-cleveland-in-gridlock
  3. We've had what seems dense fog every night for the past week. Extremely low visibility out there again tonight.
  4. Sweet thanks! Does look like they may have had 3".
  5. Ya I'm curious about the 3" chardon report as well. Though I should clarify, the 1" I measured was on the deck. The grass was definitely less. Ohweather.....what webcam do you use for chardon? The one I used to use on wunderground doesn't appear to be active anymore.
  6. 1" here only on the deck and grass. According to the special weather statement by cle, chardon had 3" at 5am
  7. Just got back home and temp was 38. Looking forward to a little snow, but keeping expectations low.
  8. Lake looking good. I just need 1" to be ahead of last December, so I'll keep the bar low lol. Although we did have a rocking Nov last year which made it easier to take.
  9. Happy thanksgiving all! Yep, very nice day outside today. Something we haven't had the past few thanksgivings. Still upper 50s out now. Keep that lake warm for the next cold blast.
  10. Just got home. I've got 3.75" on my deck. Amazing southern cutoff. Spotty accumulations on 422 then on 306 until Washington.
  11. Saw on twitter 3" reported in chesterland and middlefield. Looks like close to that at home. I'd be curious what NEOH comes in with.
  12. Actually the band appears to be getting better organized. Why is the band not using more fetch from the lake? Looks like it begins just off the shoreline.
  13. Home webcam shows grass covered...maybe a few inches. We look to have been on the edge of a band...though slightly disorganized.
  14. Good analysis OHweather. Seems like a good call at this point. These events do seem to surprise some. I can see if the winds don't disrupt the band tomorrow, the totals will definitely be more substantial....somewhere.
  15. From reading the storm thread, appears latest model runs are taking the storm more east and putting se Michigan into the game. Hopefully this helps us some. I think OHweather mentioned earlier the more east it goes the more chance of a northerly wind component.
  16. Great analysis OHweather! If I remember correctly, the last Nov lake effect started out primarily northern areas too. Either way, I'll be glad to see the first accumulation. Cle going with 1-3 sat night and 1-3 Sunday. Does anybody have the link to the Cle snowfall maps? My link is broken for some reason.
  17. Great analysis! I'll be out of town Saturday but should be driving back Sunday afternoon.
  18. Haha that would be nice! How is the le looking this weekend? Noticed cle put snow in the fc for sat night and sun.
  19. Just read the thread for this time last year when we had our first les event. Almost forgot just how impressive that was with 16" here and many locations above 10". Then several additional snows that week and the 3" per hr band around Thanksgiving. Impressive stretch!
  20. Been getting off and on snow. Temp down to 36. No sticking yet, but maybe later.
  21. Great writeup! Looking forward to the first accumulation even if its not that much. Cle has about 1" in my pc. One year ago tomorrow was our first accums last year. That ended up being a great le event!
  22. Yep, looks to be a little snow/mix in the forecast for Fri night and Saturday. It'll be nice to see some flakes. I was out of town in Oct when we had our first flakes. Have you seen this article ; http://www.erh.noaa.gov/cle/office/localinterest/enso.html There's a small section about lake effect and correlation with El ninos.
  23. Fantastic weather lately. Actually felt the slightest bit hot today. Keep that lake warm!
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