Picked up am additional .5" last evening / overnight.
Looks like we may salvage a few inches from the early week storm. After that, things warm up some. Hopefully enough to break up any ice that formed on the lake.
Looks like 3" fell overnight. A lot of wind, so hard to measure.
Persistent light to moderate snow showers the past few hours. Tiny flakes, not sure it'll amount to much.
This kind of snuck up. 3-6" sounds good.
Euro showing us love for next week.
I'm going to add .75" to my totals for snow that fell after I left this morning.
Lake effect = 15.75"
Since Monday = 18.75"
Wasn't there a report from shaker yesterday?
Based on the radar last night, I'd imagine the 271 area from 422 to near 322 were similar.
Yep, looks like it's snowing good again!
Looks like 6.25" additional since 6pm yesterday. The majority of that fell between 6-10pm.
Running total is at 18" since Monday. Depth on my deck is at 15".
Also should specify I'm including 3" that fell before the lake effect in my totals.
Updated map from cle extends everything west. 12-18 now almost to the chagrin area, 8-12 near downtown.
Edit: Cuyahoga with an advisory now
That difference must be because of the different surfaces measured. I know at the beginning, the snow didn't accumulate much on my driveway.
I will have to double check when I get back home, but I think I was at 3" before today.
Great writeup OHWEATHER! Definitely looking forward to this one.
Looks like a very snowy next week or so. CLE mentions more lake effect sat and sun, then a storm early next week.
Picked up an additional 1" yesterday evening and overnight.
Everything is looking good this week... even the weekend will be interesting. Hopefully the mega band can settle more south than the past few times. Currently snowing in Solon. Big flakes.
Edit : temp 32
Ya I'm about done with these 1-2" snowfalls.
The optimistic side of me says; the past few years we have had no problem doing 25-30" per month. So...if February and March can turn around to that, we may end up near 80"... We saw how easily the northern sections added 20-30" in a week.
Pessimistic side says; this year is nothing like the others. Lets get this record low snowfall winter out of the way and on to Spring lol.
I'm not positive, but I believe I drove through some lake effect around sandusky this morning on the way to Detroit. I didn't have a chance to check radar. It snowed moderately between Sandusky and toledo. Not much accumulation though. .