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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. The wet pattern continues for the end of the week. Reading back over last year's posts, our first snow was mid Nov., then pretty quiet until early Dec. Hopefully this year has a better Nov.
  2. I am! Leaves are falling in a hurry now. Hope the wet pattern keeps up through winter.
  3. Yep, same here. Definitely quite the switch to fall this week.
  4. Colors are popping and leaves falling. Definitely not as vibrant, but still early. Great observation, we were just talking about all of the squirrels this year. They are everywhere it seems. Also noticed more black ones than I've seen in the past. Crazy temps, reminiscent of an August day. Tomorrow looks the same, and then the bottom falls out. I'm done with this heat.
  5. Looks like the lake is running a bit above normal at 69 degrees. Hopefully the warm weather the next week or so will keep the temps up. https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs.php?lake=e&ext=swt&type=N&hr=48
  6. I've noticed the colors are definitely lacking this year. Not sure if it's just too early still or because of the dry and hot weather recently?
  7. Same here, cant believe we're approaching fall and les season already. It's been a nice summer, not too hot (until this week lol). I changed jobs and now working in Chardon, so I'll get to see more of the northern events that miss home.
  8. Incredible! Seems the west side got more rain the past week or so, while we missed out. Certainly has been a wet summer.
  9. 109" here for the winter. A nice change compared to the past few below avg winters. Seemed to be a pretty consistent light to mod snow year from early Dec up until the second week of Feb. Then of course a booming march, which was the highest snowfall total month at 39.75". My 5 year average from measuring (estimated ) in Newbury is at 101.2". Congrats on the job!! Though you'll miss the lake effect, I'm sure experiencing a few noreasters will be awesome. It's been great to have you in our subforum to share your forecasting and knowledge. Make sure to stop back by!
  10. Right at 2" on the deck. Probably half of that in the yard. There were some impressive squalls earlier, especially in the northern areas
  11. Decent lake effect band this morning. I've got .25-.5", but a definite increase in flake size and accumulation in Solon. Probably an inch here. West side appears to be doing well.
  12. I'm going with 5". I know more fell after I left, but it has since melted from my deck.
  13. Just shy of 5" here. Definitely a bit of a surprise. Now over 100" for the season.
  14. The storm for tomorrow night seems to be creeping northward. Might be good for a few inches at least.
  15. Congrats! Looks like a great spot. Looking forward to future lake effect reports!
  16. Had an extremely compacted 1.75" on the deck that fell during the day. Event total 7.75".
  17. 2.5" yesterday evening and overnight. Running total at 6". Pretty impressive March so far compared to the last several years.
  18. Had 2" fall throughout the day. Pleasantly surprised. The elevation definitely helped . Running total at 3.5".
  19. 1.5" on the deck this morning. March has now become my snowiest month. Crazy year.
  20. Had a strong band come through and drop 1" in 30 mins. Including that, I had 2.25" that fell throughout the day as well. Event total at 19".
  21. This winter is trying to revive itself back to normal at least. We may tack on 2-3" more....just keeps snowing.
  22. Just cleared another 9" off of my deck that fell between 10pm last night and now. Running storm total at 16.75". Incredible.
  23. Everything looks good to me. Just cleared 4.5" off of the deck since the afternoon snow began. Event running total at 7.75"
  24. Last night when I got home I measured 1.25" from the squall. This morning I have 2" additional of fluff. Event so far at 3.25". Wrfs continue to look really good!
  25. Wow congrats! The surprises are definitely the best. About a half inch here. Just enough to cover the bare spots.
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