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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Just saw Ohio is mandating masks for k-12 kids. I believe that's a bit extreme, and could pose other risks of illness with masking other bacteria a kid normally has around their mouth and nose.
  2. Lol always get a good laugh seeing people alone in their car with a mask on
  3. Yep, I've heard the exact same story from a credible source. I do believe there was some sort of check in, and they left after checking in.
  4. Is that politics in general or is Biden ok...?
  5. Curious why you say that? Though there was some delay, everyone I've encountered part time or full time got the extra unemployment. Maybe it's depending on the state.
  6. This is partially because some people are making more money on unemployment and have money to spend. Also people working from home are spending less on gas and travel in general.
  7. Ya looks like most of the rain missed us today. I'm glad the summer dried out and hasn't been too hot. Perfect for getting outdoors...which is much needed lately.
  8. Looks to be same as Ohio's. Exceptions for outdoors when distancing and medical conditions.
  9. Yep, that's a problem. Hopefully when this is over lifestyles will change for the better.
  10. Agree with this. Wear it just long enough as needed/required. We should be promoting living a healthier lifestyle, eating right and exercising as much as masks are being promoted.
  11. Lol https://www.yahoo.com/news/sign-michigan-shop-warns-masked-175748202.html
  12. Perhaps the wrong terms Labeling people selfish (aka egotistical) for not wearing a mask is uncalled for unless you are aware of that person's reasoning. We're all allowed to make our own choices.
  13. There's really no need for the stereotyping or name calling.
  14. Ended up finishing right at 80" of snow for the year. Much better than last year, but still below normal. Looks like most of the snowbelt was between 72-96" according to this map https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/interactive/html/map.html?ql=station&zoom=&loc=Latitude%2CLongitude%3B+City%2CST%3B+or+Station+ID&var=snowfall_season_d&dy=2020&dm=5&dd=20&dh=12&snap=1&o11=1&o9=1&o13=1&lbl=m&mode=pan&extents=us&min_x=-88.116666666668&min_y=37.533333333329&max_x=-74.625000000002&max_y=45.124999999996&coord_x=-81.370833333335&coord_y=41.3291666666625&zbox_n=&zbox_s=&zbox_e=&zbox_w=&metric=0&bgvar=dem&shdvar=shading&width=800&height=450&nw=800&nh=450&h_o=0&font=0&js=1&uc=0
  15. Surprised to wake up to accumulating snow this morning. I had 1" on the deck and a bit less in the grass. This will be the second time in 5 years I've recorded accumulating snow in May.
  16. I've had 2.5" of snow on the deck, less in the grass and none on pavement so far. Looks like temps are creeping up slightly now.
  17. 4.5" of snow on the deck this morning. Nice surprise!
  18. Getting thunder / lightning with some snow now!
  19. Quite a week of weather. Heavy burst of snow just now was enough to begin whitening the ground.
  20. Ya it was one of the more intense storms we've had in a while!
  21. Got a link to this? I've heard it too but haven't seen the report.
  22. Yep, I'm ready to move on and hoping for a nice spring for once.
  23. Happy Meteorological spring! I'm ready for sunshine and warmth after that dull winter. Saw this posted of the recent snow.
  24. I've got 4.25" new. Looks like most of geauga was between 4-6". Storm total would be 12.75" here. Chagrin falls looks to be 9", Burton 10" and Chardon around 13". Decent storm spread out over several days. The winds definitely made the first part hard to measure.
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