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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Pretty sure lockdown protests is what he's referring to. Or anti mask protests etc Not about race.
  2. Ya, I won't shy away from the fact that the response or comments have been questionable at times.
  3. Agreed, same here, rarely see anyone without a mask in a store.
  4. I said they have had ups and downs in the response.
  5. I disagree on how much influence there is. It's up for debate.
  6. Without any personal attacks, I am asking how will a mask mandate at the federal level....that is not enforced... change your local issue ? Seems you need to be focusing on your own state and how it's being handled there first.
  7. You still haven't explained how this would change those who are not wearing masks. Ok so you don't want it enforced.... So the "feds" saying they recommend you wear a mask will really change anything?
  8. It is a damn unprecedented epidemic. It is an impossible situation. No it's your closed minded views clouding yourself.
  9. Maybe you didn't quite comprehend what I said. I said they were in an impossible position. That is a fact, this is unprecedented. The response they have had has had ups and downs. That part is up for debate, and obviously your political views will cloud your response.
  10. Law enforcement has plenty to deal with. How will they enforce this? Who in the hell is you guys? I am trying to understand why some need daddy government to make a mask mandate yet the local states already have them. Stores enforce it here, what about there? Maybe that is your issue given your posts about airport enforcement. Quit deflecting.
  11. So let's say we had federally mandated mask wearing.... How do you envision this being enforced? Our law enforcement has enough to deal with already. Do you really think that would change the minds of those who aren't wearing masks now? Stores here have mandated masks for months. Let me guess, you think we should wear a mask in our cars and houses right?
  12. Since you brought it up, sure he will be able to do alot, alot of damage to our economy with a mandated lockdown.
  13. I'll go ahead and add the full quote. This administration was in an impossible position, and has had ups and downs. “We’re not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigation efforts,”
  14. Covid fatigue is real get out of your bubble
  15. It's nice to see a wetter pattern trying to develop. Now, just need to some cold air as we head into November.
  16. Sure is an improvement. Testing #s are also increasing, which is somewhat attributing to more positive test numbers.
  17. I mean, wtf is this "dawg"? I have no clue who you're referring to, but if it's me, sure there are measures I certainly disagree with. Doesn't mean I don't follow and comply with restrictions where needed. You do realize you can disagree with something, yet still perform the said task right? You should question and not follow blindly. Weren't you going to stick your fingers in a socket or something a few pages back?
  18. Not everyone has to live in total fear to act like the virus is a big deal. I don't recall anyone in this thread saying they don't follow restrictions. We are presenting debate, and not always believing what we are fed by media.
  19. Do you think things through and realize there are side effects to this? Yes, 2k a month might sound great to you, but the consequences aren't worth it. Mental health issues, domestic abuse, child abuse, substance abuse etc goes up.
  20. So you would prefer a true lockdown?
  21. Thanks for noticing, there's a clear bias that was called out long ago.
  22. I mean, at least put a little effort into a response. There are studies all over about this. https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19 "However, these measures can have a profound negative impact on individuals, communities, and societies by bringing social and economic life to a near stop. Such measures disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups, including people in poverty, migrants, internally displaced people and refugees, who most often live in overcrowded and under resourced settings, and depend on daily labour for subsistence."
  23. I don't care what you want to call it, point still stands.
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