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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Lol the chicago maskless mayor celebrates then declares stay at home. At least she got in the celebration
  2. Or perhaps false positives for antigen tests are possible ?
  3. The testing is such a joke, definitely adding false positives https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/11/13/elon-musk-covid-test-bogus/
  4. O ya, covid was supposed to go away after the election . The media just controls it lol
  5. About to get a big spike is positive results with all of that testing.
  6. Same here, you're required to wear them in stores.
  7. odd isn't it, mask usage up, positive case #s up..
  8. Wow that is incredible! Agreed, keep warming the lake , and be primed for the first cold outbreak.
  9. Had 1" here overnight. Doesn't seem it got quite cold enough. Snow seemed to have quite a bit of graupel mixed in as well.
  10. Just to point out, it's just not "fat" or obesity. There are other underlying conditions as well.
  11. Looks like first chance of flakes, with the possibility of a bit more Sunday night-mon.
  12. 33 states already have mask mandates
  13. Usa #12, China #169 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2228rank.html
  14. Agreed. It's been said many times, this should be a wake-up call to those not practicing a healthy lifestyle. Some just want to ignore that and point fingers at other things.
  15. New study on vitamin D deficiency https://www.healthline.com/health-news/new-study-found-80-percent-of-covid-19-patients-were-vitamin-d-deficient
  16. It actually is a neat place, alot of history.
  17. Surely that president with half an ass isn't Joe Biden lol. Sleepy Creepy Joe will have a country wide lockdown, and a Federal mask mandate. I'm sure he had a plan at some point, but probably forgot it by now.
  18. Perhaps I missed it as I just scanned the article, but I don't think this is a "no one can leave their house lockdown". The government is also urging people not to travel outside their home towns or cities unless absolutely necessary and to avoid using public transport if possible. Isn't this similar to stay at home? Edit;. I'm referring to the most recent
  19. You mean you don't have another "lockdown" term correction to add?
  20. Why in the hell would someone like this comment?
  21. Agreed, most have had it with lockdowns. More of this threatening will only lead to more resistance or worse ..see the MI and OH gov plots. Edit; and will be interesting to see how the vaccines play out. Will they be forced?
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