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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Rough in Michigan Agree with this; I understand there’s a pandemic, and I understand it’s very scary. I’m scared of it too. If you are at risk, do not leave your house until there’s a vaccine. But shutting down all these small businesses, things that people have worked their life for, shutting them down again is not the answer. Because they will not make it. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/matthew-staffords-wife-kelly-rants-about-covid-19-rules-im-over-living-in-a-dictatorship-we-call-michigan-185600459.html
  2. PA with an indoor mask order. Ya that'll go over well. We need to flatten the curve! Lol https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/pa-health-secretary-issues-new-order-making-mask-wearing-required-indoors-even-if-you-are-physically-distant/WRPE6BA4S5GK5IR4EFWLN4ZXIE/
  3. Lol Ohio now has a curfew, but with a ton of exceptions (groceries, food, gas, work etc). Makes little sense. No parties I suppose.. Corona is out to get you past 10pm.
  4. Ya nice to see everything snow covered. I've got 1.75" on the deck. Got a nice burst at the moment.
  5. Um nope, never mentioned anything about special rights. I agreed with the comment that a segment of people want the government to hold their hand.
  6. Lol love this! Alot have demonstrated already that they can't think for themselves. It's sad.
  7. Uh maybe not be in a house with that many people. Go to a bigger house to spread out if you have to ? Wear your mask, you'll be fine.
  8. Wtf ? That term is derogatory. I am not giving issue to anything to do with masks.
  9. Glad you get amusement out of using that term
  10. Umm because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you attack them.
  11. Who in the hell is anti vax? I posted a comment that it would be hard to convince that group to take a vaccine... Attitudes like yours keep the anti vax/mask the way they are. I am in the wait and see group with the vax. Not rushing to sign up for it quite yet, but interested to hear more on it.
  12. Maybe to you, but there are alot of skeptics that won't trust it. They will say 98.whatever % recover from covid.
  13. That's incredible. I've lost 4 ash in the time I've been here. Short range models are looking interesting for tomorrow night-weds. Or...maybe the snow maps are mis-representing rain as snow.
  14. Haha ! I lost one as well, was going to cut it down next summer, but looks like nature did it for me.
  15. More on the side effects. If true, I can see how people will be hesitant. “We are asking people to take a vaccine that is going to hurt,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “There are lots of sore arms and substantial numbers of people who feel crummy, with headaches and muscle pain, for a day or two.” Persuading people who experience these symptoms to return in three to four weeks for a second dose — and a second round of flu-like symptoms — could be a tough sell, Schaffner said. https://khn.org/news/article/time-to-discuss-potentially-unpleasant-side-effects-of-covid-shots-scientists-say-yes/
  16. Nasty winds yesterday afternoon. We lost power for a few hours, and it flickered quite a bit afterwards. Looks like we were lucky as there are still quite a few without power.
  17. I simply asked to hear more about his reasoning. Being ignorant would be ignoring both sides of the spectrum.
  18. Interested to hear more. Definitely seems like there could be some nasty side effects.
  19. It's definitely adding to the "explosion"
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