More of what most already knew. Pre existing conditions leads to worse outcomes.
Getting our first taste of 50 and sun today feels great.
Even if we do come in below normal in snowfall, I feel the winter was one of the better ones we've had in several years. No banner lake effect snows, but alot of smaller ones + 2 big December system/lake enhanced snows. Not to mention no big winter thaw this year allowed for a good period of snow cover.
Mentor should have picked up a few inches at least. Seems that band hung out in lake county for a while. I picked up just under 3" throughout the day and overnight.
Weird, the pc forecast now has 4-8" for today..... Not sure what that's about, maybe a glitch? There's definitely a lake response, but that seems extreme.
My guess is the rap is a little overdone, but it shows 12+ for a good chunk of northern ohio. Although.. it's actually close to what the Euro has been showing..