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Everything posted by IMADreamer

  1. I have gathered there are several people here that basically think any event that doesn't include several EF-5s going through large metro areas to be a bust. It's insane. Like the guy earlier saying this should be an enhanced risk at the most. We've seen numerous tornados today, certainly some of them strong and the event isn't over. We definitely may be seeing the end of the discrete storm mode but the threat will continue well into the night. I mean heck we are going on about 7 hours straight of tornado warnings right now and this is a bust?
  2. I was surprised to hear him say that. That's a lot of warnings on the radar right now btw.
  3. Literally no one is saying it, but these guys are trying to say people are so that when this isn't the biggest outbreak in history they can go "see I told you." No one with half a brain thinks today is another 2011, also no one with half a brain thinks today doesn't have potential to be a big event.
  4. Over performed here a bit. Good solid 4 inches of fluff.
  5. Good clip of snow here, I'd say a solid inch on the ground and still coming. Lots of ice over night. I definitely lost some limbs in my yard. Hope the power stays on.
  6. .62in this morning. Nice thunder, a little small hail. It is soupy right now out. Definitely feels like more is in the offering later.
  7. Sun just peaking out here finally. We've jumped three degrees in the last hour or so. I think the game may be a foot.
  8. Can't see the sun yet but the storm that just rolled through has cleared out the fog and I can actually see clouds instead of just gray. Hopeful signs I think.
  9. Strong sunshine here now, with the temp up a good 7 degrees in a few hours.
  10. Still light/moderate rain here and over cast. Going to have to clear out and warm up fast I think for anything to get going now.
  11. decent wet snow here for a good hour now. Finally starting to cover the grass.
  12. Absolute rippage here right now. Heaviest snowfall I've seen this season.
  13. 3 inches of concrete here. Still coming down. It definitely switched to more of a mix for a couple hours but back to decent sized flakes now.
  14. Finally above freezing here. We have had freezing rain since 10am.. It's messy and the trees are really sagging. Still have power for now.
  15. 1.96 in of rain here and the temp is dropping fast.
  16. Was surprised to wake up dry today. Just dense fog for now.
  17. But at least it will be nice to have something to be disappointing over.
  18. What a difference a day makes. I'll take some ice potential with a decent helping of snow over 5 days of cold January rain. I'm going to try not and get to excited.
  19. That year was brutal. 1st day of harvest for us was on August 4th, we usually don't start until after Labor Day. Everything was just gone. We harvested 16 hours on the first day and only filled half a semi truck. Usually in a 16 hour day we would fill 25 or so. My Dad had tears in his eyes that night as we all went home for the day. Man that was a terrible year.
  20. Seems like the cumulus field is getting a bit more agitated so maybe something will get going soon.
  21. We just had a tornado warned storm come though. Pretty sure the worst missed just north but it was an impressive light and thundershow. Now torrential rain.
  22. I'm a little late to the discussion but I'll add my two cents. It was tough getting a job after college because I was largely on my own, my school kind of sucked at that. However I did, I liked my job alot but I had an opportunity to make more money doing something else and I took it. It was a tough decision because I felt in a way that I wasted the first 20 some years of my life because all I wanted to do was be a meteorologist and even though I was doing that I knew it wasn't something I would do forever. I guess maybe I'm greedy, but I have expensive hobbies. Even the years immediately after not being a meteorologist I would have times when I felt like a failure because I wasn't using my degree. Sometimes now I still question my decision, but oh well. I feel like I use meteorology every day and even though I'm not a paid meteorologist I still study the weather and I'm glad I have the formal training to do so.
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