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About IMADreamer

  • Birthday 02/16/1981

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Pittsfield, IL
  • Interests
    Weather duh, cars, and agriculture

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  1. Little more sleet and a little less snow that expected over night, but starting to pickup now.
  2. Yes please. That would be one of the biggest snow storms ever for my town if it verifies. Which it won't but it's nice to dream.
  3. I'm trying not to get excited about the possibility of getting a big one here but it looks like I'm in the prime zone.
  4. With KLSX's radar down for updates still not a great time for potential severe in their northern area.
  5. Nothing making it to the ground here yet. A lot of Missouri schools are calling off tomorrow. Forecast is for 0.1 to 0.3 in of ice which I imagine will keep a lot of things closed tomorrow but it shouldn't be too bad in terms of power outages and tree damage.
  6. The last two storms missed a county north, the Tuesday storm is going to be a few counties south but we get all of the cold. Nothing worse than sub zero on bare ground. It's just dumb. Starting to think I may never have a real winter again.
  7. Starting a thread a week out. That's a bold move Cotton let's see if it pays off.
  8. We had some thunder two nights ago but no measurable rain. Now with heat coming back I suspect things are going to get quite a bit worse here. It's already crispy, and the leaves have turned almost over night. We are probably going to need some serious winter to get back to normal at this point.
  9. We officially hit 100 with a heat index of 112 at the airport here about 15 minutes ago. My weather station had us at 101 with a feels like of 116.
  10. I in my wildest dreams can't imagine a day where I give a crap if my grass is green.
  11. Was tor warned earlier but seemed kind of outflowy at the hook. Looks a little better now, but velocity isn't real impressive.
  12. Definitely rotating wall cloud but I could not say if it was on the ground. It was confirmed to have touched down in brown county.
  13. Crazy that we got two separate high risks.
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