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Everything posted by Baroclinicity

  1. One of the tornadoes in Indiana came from a storm that was embedded in moderate rain (Holton EF-3). It didn't have a long life (compared to the other supercells) but it was deadly. I was away from my computer for about an hour that afternoon (1:30-2:30 or so) and remember seeing how much had changed on the radar in that span of time (the lead supercell in southern Indiana had developed and was producing tornadoes). That's the most impressive radar display I've seen for this area since the WSR-88Ds were installed in the 90s.
  2. AVSET is supposed to reduce volume scan time, but I'm not sure of it's status. http://www.roc.noaa.gov/wsr88d/NNOW/AVSET.aspx http://www.roc.noaa.gov/wsr88d/NewRadarTechnology/NewTechDefault.aspx From the AMS Radar Conference paper listed there: "The basic premise of AVSET is to terminate the current volume scan after the radar has scanned all of the elevations with operationally important returns. In other words, once the data collection elevation overshoots the significant radar returns, the volume scan is terminated because there is no operational benefit realized by continuing the execution of the current volume scan, and a new volume scan is begun. The net effect of AVSET is to shorten the elapsed time between data collection on low elevation angles during periods when no significant data are available on the higher elevation tilts."
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