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Everything posted by Tom12309

  1. Pelting in the Dorptown. They plowed and I have a wall at the end of the driveway. Easy 4 inches here, total cement from the looks of it.
  2. Well, I had that January joke wrong at the doc's. This morning is January weather. 30 degrees, rain in the Dorptown. Though it is starting to rattle a little.
  3. Must have been quite the gradient today from some of your posts. Doubt it made it above 36-37 today in the Dorptown. At the chiro this morning, remarked on the 35 degree rain. "That's January weather there, that is." Doc's heavily into alpine skiing. Just gives me a look. I'm like, I probably shoulda said that *after* you adjusted my spine.
  4. When my dad was a forced laborer in Germany during WWII he said they saw those planes rivering over during the daylight raids. He said the beating they could take and keep flying was amazing. He said they'd be returning one propeller stopped and big holes in the wings and fuselage. He described the fighters on them as like flies on cows.
  5. I should take a pic of the Halloween stuff I saw in the local Home Depot while I was renting their paver saw. Who buys 30 foot tall plastic ugly crap for their yard? If you're going big on Halloween have creativity and do it yourself.
  6. Pine tree on the other side of my neighbors yard got the top 50 feet blown off it by CG as the first batch just got to us. I was walking back upstairs to the office with a cup of coffee and it was so loud I almost flinched the coffee on myself. The one cat that is deaf as a post woke up from a nap on the couch and peered out the window to see what was going on. 20190904_132445 by Tom Ambros, on Flickr
  7. We got about three inches in the Dorptown from a cell that developed and dumped right over us staying about stationary. In about an hour. My cellar hasn't had water in it for at least five years or so but I'm mopping tonight. Follow up line added some but probably not more than a half an inch or so. For a while there it was raining in all the windows on every side of the house before I closed them.
  8. Difference between a lake and a pond is sunlight reaches the bottom of a pond and there are no thermal strata in a pond.
  9. It may pick up east of here but that line looked great until it hit the hills in western Schenectady county. 10 miles later we got a few breezes and maybe a quarter inch of rain. Pffffthhh.
  10. Weather terminology can be so confusing. The weather app on my phone's text discussion: "A slow moving cold front will zip across the Northeast and off the coast this afternoon."
  11. They do a 500 mile ultra marathon bike race in Furnace Creek. I read a ride report and there was a picture of one of the riders slumped in the entryway to a convenient store eating ice with the caption "thank God for AC"
  12. Headed out on the bike this morning got a mile down the road big flash thought "Halluie?" heard the roll thought "Aural halluies are always been voices commanding me what to do, that was lightnin' bucko" so I uied and headed home. I am more likely to be hit by a car then struck by lightning but since its 2-0 cars I'm thinking lightning is looking to even things up.
  13. The mosquitoes were driving me a little nuts when I was weeding the garden, I had sprayed a product called Repel on an old hat and they weren't bothering me around my head but were clouds of them all around my arms and legs. So I went back in and got an old T-shirt and sprayed that stuff all over it. They left me alone. It is intended to be sprayed on clothing and gear, used as indicated it really seems to work.
  14. Garden gauge had well over 1.5 inches in my Schenectady back yard.
  15. Around here the fields have dried out to where the farmers can get the equipment in to plant corn. June 9th seems late.
  16. There was the guy that rode his bicycle over from Sweden, waited for weather to attempt Everest, got within a few hundred yards of the summit on his one chance, realized he didn't have time to get there and get back down so he turned back, returned to camp and got on his bike and rode home.
  17. Yup. Me, three sibs and my mom in a Pontiac station wagon.
  18. When I was a kid we went up to the Gaspe Peninsula to see the one. Driving down the road six people in a station wagon looking at the sky for a hole in the clouds and our watch to get the time driver included nobody looking at the road until NOW we stopped and piled out. That wall of black coming down the St. Lawrence blew my mind. I looked right at the sun thinking if I go blind this might as well be the last thing I see.
  19. Went for a ride, last 200 feet of altitude going over the ridge at 10:30 had to pop at least ten degrees warmer and wind was blowing *hard* from the south. Half an hour later rolling into the valley it had mixed down. 40 degrees gentle breeze at 9am 65 and windy at noon. Unmulched the roses. F'ing squirrels ate all the crocus bulbs.
  20. Can't complain over this way... snowed all day yesterday but didn't accumulate on bare pavement until last night, I cleared maybe 4 inches off the driveway this morning and that's not counting what added up on the existing snow from the all day light to occasionally moderate stuff. Not bad for a storm where the good stuff was way off to the east.
  21. It is logarithmic from one class to the next, linear within the class.
  22. When I was a kid we went up to the Gaspe Peninsula and being on the south shore of the St Lawrence watching that wall of dark come down the river is in the top half dozen or so coolest things I have ever seen. Imagine seven people in a Pontiac station wagon driven by my 18 year old brother with seven heads stuck out the windows alternately all looking at the sky trying to find a hole in the clouds and our unsynchronized watches until we as one yelled "STOP NOW", screeched to a halt and jumped out of the car maybe five minutes in front of it. Also the silence as all the birds stopped singing.
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