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About PottercountyWXobserver

  • Birthday 07/11/1989

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Berkeley, CA

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  1. Excellent Vergent!! This stuff is Geo Chemistry 101 though, there is no way that Mass Spectrometer is out of wack. That instrument is incredibly accurate, everything you pointed out is correct. Thats one of the main reasons why methane doesn't stay in the atmosphere very long because it oxidizes into CO2 and thusly H2 levels should come down. I think it is incredible that people think we can't get changes like this. For every action there is a reaction, PERIOD. Even the flap of a butterfly has an effect, what makes human kind think they can continue doing what that are doing with no effects???? Everything is constantly evolving either by direct or indirect causes. Don't get me wrong, I think natural causes are to blame for some of the warming, but AGW is definetly a major contributor, the rate at which this is taking place is unprecedented in geologic time.
  2. Haven't seen ya post in a while, hope everything is ok with you. We finally have our shot a 12" storm early next week. Synoptic wise this area has been screwed for some time. If your really into weather I highly recomend buy a book called "Northeast Snowstorms" by Paul Kocin. Its worth every penny of the $100, It shows practically ever bigstorm to affect the area and why, practically a case study.

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