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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. That squall line in Ohio looks like it has a ton of lightning with it
  2. 53-55.. those were some fun years
  3. Has this been a historically slow season so far or am I perceiving things wrong? I mean not even a low probability hatched area on the five day outlook for days at a time?
  4. We better at least get a tropical system to follow soon
  5. Looks like they moved the severe even further south than yesterday..Now in the south mid Atlantic?
  6. We got a warning about 1:30am but outside of some flashes and very heavy rain, as Coastal said, no big deal
  7. Oh that would be lovely. I’d sacrifice sleep to have a night like that
  8. Doesn’t look like a lot of sun tomorrow Wiz? Will dynamics compensate for that?
  9. Probably a top three t-storm in my lifetime
  10. Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but is there an EML associated with Wednesday’s potential?
  11. Putting out quite a bit of lightning per my lightning app
  12. Most of eastern NE back into a slight risk for today so there’s that
  13. Instead of a Great Plains chase I’ll just sit at the beach next time
  14. Any opportunities for some home grown I wonder?
  15. We could use a tropical system to follow about now
  16. That’s the kind of optimism I can appreciate lol
  17. A friend of mine in the Netherlands reported Amsterdam broke their all time high the other day. Europe is roasting this summer
  18. Too early to speculate on an EF rating?
  19. Maybe not completely analogous but I’m reminded somewhat of those two days in August ‘86 when Providence had back to back tornado warnings on consecutive days
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