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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Going to Ft Myers’s in a few weeks. Be nice to get something tropical while I’m there
  2. I have very little personal experience with these storms to make a decent judgement on a rating but it definitely didn’t reach the hype leading up to it where I lived just south of Boston. The days leading up to it were exciting though. First and only time my father boarded the windows
  3. Very true. I was admittedly being regionally biased to eastern MA
  4. Anyone not around in ‘85 to see Gloria, don’t worry.. You didn’t miss too much
  5. The decade both the music and hurricanes died
  6. Hopefully we can scare up another at some point soon. Maybe a Caribbean storm would increase our odds a little bit
  7. That warning north of Boston did include Tornado: Possible in the wording fwiw
  8. Looks like activity is picking up in all directions now
  9. Another cell just developed over my friend in Falmouth
  10. Looks like Portland ME rocking the casbah right now
  11. Maybe I was asleep or something or maybe just a bad memory lol
  12. I remember when I used to get t-storms in August. Hasn’t happened in several years now. Basically mid June thru the end of July for me
  13. It seems to me (and correct me if I’m mistaken) our most “recent” hurricanes were “locked in” almost a week before they happened? I can only speak of hurricane gloria for personal reference though
  14. I want a large storm with no injuries or damage. Is that possible? lol
  15. Just give us something to track. It’s a pleasant diversion from a crummy world anyway. I’ll even take remnants if necessary
  16. …and just like that, we’re back into another boring weather stretch..hopefully September will deliver as the remnants of Debbie will be passing west of St Louis at this rate
  17. I remember this very well. Basically two days in a row of pretty decent severe weather around E MA along with the tors in RI
  18. At least epic rain is more interesting than 30 mph wind gusts I suppose
  19. Wow. Shades of hurricane Diane from the ‘50’s as modeled
  20. Tuesday through Friday Trending cooler and toward some more unsettled weather next week as a broad cyclonic flow develops over east CONUS/Canada. Ensemble guidances suggests a wet period Tuesday night through Wednesday with a cold front potentially pushing through The Northeast. Confidence drops off considerably Wednesday and beyond as global models are beginning to come into agreement on a potential tropical cyclone moving up the east coast mid to late week. The potential development and track of this system could affect the forecast in southern New England later next week. Check the latest Tropical Weather Outlook from The National Hurricane Center for more details.
  21. Maybe we can get a tornado watch from it at least?
  22. 70th anniversary of Carol this month..Kind of ridiculous that except for Bob hitting parts of the Cape, Boston proper has had zilch since then
  23. I’m reading a magazine from August 1954. Coincidence?
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