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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Yep this probably won’t be hurricane Agnes with regard to tornadoes
  2. Up to 80% chance for development per the 8pm advisory
  3. Has SNE ever experienced a tropical system to evolve in this sort of set up? (ie cross the eastern gulf into the Carolinas then go offshore and redevelop?
  4. So a new request list: a derecho for Wiz, an EF1 and a named storm for me, high heat for most and flooding rains this weekend for the rest? Edit: some COC too
  5. Any chance that gulf coast disturbance gets a name when it emerges off the Carolinas in a couple of days?
  6. Well that was fun! Probably the storm of the summer for me
  7. I’m loving this. Wrote off the threat earlier and now some nocturnal action !
  8. Getting a fabulous light show here in Braintree. Most frequent lightning I’ve seen in a while
  9. Suns out. I’m ready for my convection
  10. The NWS rather bullish for strong convection eastern areas tomorrow: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=BOX&issuedby=BOX&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  11. I shall miss you stalled upper level low
  12. You would LOVE Sydney. They get some ferocious thunderstorms with insane hail and lightning
  13. Plenty of anti venom though and nobody had died from a bite in decades.Gorgeous country
  14. I remember visiting a friend in Canberra Australia about 20 years ago and coming across a Sydney Funnel Web spider in his garage. Not aggressive but one of the most poisonous in the world
  15. A good tropical cyclone to follow would lift some spirits
  16. I’m ready and primed for night time convection. Hope the next 48 hours brings something
  17. Starting to hear distant rumbles in Braintree
  18. Some pretty lightning strokes not too far away. And almost constant thunder
  19. Frequent lightning and some loud arse thunder to my north
  20. Definitely got threatening looking here at the Derby St Outlets
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