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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Small quibble but very little lightning with these?
  2. Seem to be taking their time issuing the tornado watch?
  3. Have there ever been any notable New England tornadoes directly associated with land falling tropical cyclones?
  4. Does the sun coming out mean anything in a fun way for us eastern NE folks?
  5. Sun really trying to poke thru here
  6. Is there still a risk of spin ups in the morning?
  7. Given the evolution of the storm and that it’s supposed to retain most of its intensity at this latitude isn’t this more a hybrid deal than a tropical system?
  8. I’m thinking I mIght have been away then. But point taken
  9. It certainly has seemed that way. At least since Sandy
  10. Any chance we can get in on some of the fun in EMA? Wind/rain/EF0 it doesn’t matter
  11. It would be “funny” if this storm suddenly decided to bomb out before it ran the coast. It would certainly shock a great number of people given the storm time is tomorrow
  12. Looks like Wiz got his slight risk and 5% tornado risk tomorrow
  13. Is the fact that it’s been very windy the past two days in EMA related at all to what’s going on down the coast?
  14. I’ll enjoy my EF0 and wait for the next one
  15. It doesn’t have to be Bob or even Gloria in ‘85. I just don’t want it to be like Belle in ‘76
  16. Just been browsing the web trying to get insight from the Boston local Mets or their Twitter and I’m kinda surprised I’m not finding very much?
  17. I agree in principle that it definitely won’t ever be a major impact for this region if/and/or it moves slowly or has prolonged land interaction. We’d “want” this screaming up the coast at least as a cat 3 way before our latitude to include this with the biggies here
  18. I just hope we get a PRE that would make our mommas proud
  19. Would this be the smallest tropical cyclone up in these parts? It seems most of our historical hits have been larger storms?
  20. Probably only a matter of time until Lucy pulls the football away but it’s great to have something to follow
  21. Can anyone speculate what the astronomical tidal situation would be at midweek if this makes a close approach?
  22. Ok I’ll say it, I’ll buy two copies of your book John if you can push this up here somehow lol
  23. I believe this is it? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1945286474?pf_rd_r=J18HFX685HR5N9ANDY2D&pf_rd_p=edaba0ee-c2fe-4124-9f5d-b31d6b1bfbee
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