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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. oh well. The GFS fantasy storm for October was nice while it lasted
  2. If someone else besides me is into this kinda thing, YouTube has a treasure trove of old weather disaster related TV docs from the 70’s and 80’s. “When Havoc Struck” (particularly the hurricane Camille episode) gave me nightmares but also kindled my interest in storms. I recommend to check it out.
  3. I’ve actually had a couple of people say to me that we can’t have hurricanes up here in October because the water is too cool by then. I don’t agree with that reasoning btw
  4. Interesting I had it in my head that Carol/Edna/Bob were further east. Either way I’m going to latch myself onto this “threat”like grim death until it disappears
  5. Is it unusual for a storm to originate that deep in the southwest Caribbean and then run the east coast? I would have assumed it would be more a Gulf or Florida threat coming from that location?
  6. Someone should archive that picture. Beautiful
  7. Just have our free Xmas tree ready by November. No excuses Halifax j/k
  8. That’s devastating. I’ve had to put down a couple of cats and it was two of the worst times in my life
  9. Wow tropical cyclone alpha off the coast of PORTUGAL? Who had them in the cyclone pool? Has that ever happened before? (The location not the Greek name)
  10. How about that invest in the central Atlantic? Does that have a future on the east coast?
  11. That’s going to be a gorilla of a storm for us barometric pressure weenies
  12. Tip you would make a good clinical psychologist too
  13. To be fair I blame myself first and society second. It’s just the way I’m wired. Lol
  14. Sometimes I wish weather were a little more like a Michael Bay movie only less poorly acted.
  15. Is there ANYTHING to at least keep an eye on relatively soon?
  16. I had a suspicion that guidance would start to trend away tonight. Glad to know at least I can go to sleep still interested
  17. Mr Hanrahan’s has some interesting observations on his Twitter feed
  18. Boston Common might be getting their Christmas tree a bit late this year
  19. Looks to be one HELL of a storm at any rate wherever it ends up
  20. Is this Mr Webb a reliable Met? And I mean that in the most sincere and kindest way
  21. Just happy to have something to track despite the odds. It’s like buying a lottery ticket
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