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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. At this point it could be Aliens in a lab disguised as Chinese and it wouldn’t shock me
  2. As a lover of storms and things tropical I wouldn’t mind living in New Orleans for a year. Probably not much longer than that however..Seems like they average a hurricane threat once a year and a t-storm about 300 days a year..
  3. I’ve got an itch that only a vintage 90’s derecho can scratch
  4. Some lightning showing up southwest of Boston too
  5. This was absolutely true in my case. I had it back around Xmas and got the first-shot three weeks ago and was sick as hell with chills and aches for about 48 hours. I’m definitely NOT looking forward to the second shot in a couple weeks. My wife to a slightly lesser extent
  6. Just finished a book about the Tri State Tornado by the author Bob John’s. That was an interesting read
  7. I’m waiting for it to gain sentience and go on a rampage in the produce isle a la Westworld
  8. Something interesting needs to happen like another severe outbreak somewhere or an early season tropical cyclone. This pattern is boring me to death. I’ve been reading the book “Five Hundred Years of North American Hurricanes” just to pass the time and get ready for tropical season
  9. Wow it seems metro Atlanta has dodged some big bullets the last ten years. Hopefully that continues.
  10. Was it in ‘36 an F4 took out Tupelo, Miss and next day another F4 demolished Gainesville GA? Weird
  11. Some big league booms and crashes here. Wasn’t anticipating that
  12. impressive squall line in W MA. Not expecting even a misty dew drop here but interesting nonetheless
  13. You’re probably kidding but the two best thunderstorms I’ve had in the last three years here were in February and October respectively
  14. Interesting just to see thunderstorms in the region before noon in late April
  15. You are observant I didn’t actually say where lol
  16. I’ll be disappointed with anything less than a TORCON 7 this summer
  17. Just starting to mix in Braintree
  18. I hope if we get another one (derecho) it lasts more than 4.5 seconds like the one we got last October.
  19. I needed one for about two months after COVID. Strangely enough I had no breathing trouble while I had COVID
  20. Weird how last year was the “winter that wouldn’t die” and this year it’s like someone flipped a switch on March 1st. and I’m ok with that too
  21. Fair amount of lightning off the south coast
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