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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Does anyone still have that old Microsoft paint accumulation map from several years back? Probably one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen on this site
  2. Last time I had a winter like this at least someone bought me dinner first
  3. Maybe a radio show to discuss if there should be a radio show?
  4. Just seems weird that the March ‘93 superstorm was targeted by models so early on and now almost thirty years later we still (the models) struggle with long and medium term events.
  5. Is half a dusting a legitimate measurement? That’s what I have.
  6. Severe season can’t be any worse than this winter I suppose
  7. This really IS “the winter of our discontent”
  8. Yeah it’s not very scientific on my end but I figure the longer I wait for something good the better the payoff when it does lol
  9. Nature is just saving up her rage for an busy SNE tropical cyclone season. Believing that helps get me thru the doldrums anyway
  10. If I may add another, “Sudden Sea The Great Hurricane of 1938” is very good
  11. I like breaking records so if we can’t get hammered we might as well try for snow futility
  12. I agree if something doesn’t happen soon, toaster futures will go through the roof
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