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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Last couple of years he’’s looked a bit haggard
  2. Still not sure how we managed to miss it. Going to be a long summer if that continues to happen
  3. Lightning really increasing with the cell over Milton
  4. That would be my guess as nothing ever develops inside 128 otherwise
  5. Developing t storm near Framingham looks like edit: warned for me now!
  6. My niece is going to a conference in Austin in August. She had a hard time with the heat in Charleston so I imagine she’s going to have a difficult time there
  7. Looks like Montreal is THE place for severe per that map
  8. Anyone else notice that the NWS website has been crap lately? Two out of three times I try to get my local forecast I get an error message instead
  9. As Wiz might say get an EML in here while we are roasting
  10. Looks like fun. Just wish I didn’t have to drive to Natick to catch a lightning flash
  11. Yup some good ones north and west of 495 and le nada inside of 128. Lather rinse repeat
  12. Looks like fun here https://www.weau.com/weather/cams/
  13. Wiz do you share my hobby of checking out webcams for different parts of the country when severe weather is approaching? Since we can’t get it here “weather voyeurism” is the next best thing: https://www.windomnet.com/live-webcam/ time sensitive Under a tornado warning
  14. God Almighty I hope this climate changes soon..I feel like I’m in an Edgar Allen Poe story
  15. A “two Cane summer” would put these spring blues away
  16. A bit windy but the sun is out. I’ll take that in April most days
  17. A little thunder and lightning here. That’s a bit of a surprise
  18. Certainly qualifies but at least she got 99 years on the planet
  19. They’ve taken Bob Saget, Norm MacDonald and today Gilbert Gottfried.. How utterly awful and silenced of any humor the world is in only the last 8 months edit: forgot Louis Anderson
  20. It’ll get to about a quarter mile from my house then I’ll see a cloud in the shape of a middle finger as it retreats 10 miles back to the west
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