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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. I’m going to be disappointed if there are no Worcester Tornado Anniversary posts today
  2. Closest to this I can even begin to compare to was the evening of the Springfield tornado.
  3. Time sensitive but if anyone has a lightning fetish as I do, here are some cool webcams of the powerful t-storms currently moving thru Nebraska. The third one down in particular: https://www.3newsnow.com/weather/weather-cams edit: I’m moving to Nebraska
  4. I have a cousin who’s a very smart and successful guy but he also believes in Big Foot. Tough to reconcile sometimes
  5. It would be kinda interesting if that radar contact and those dead birds were related somehow. Space cats?
  6. At least it beats this boring weather pattern lol
  7. Isn’t that one of the signs of the apocalypse?
  8. Best vacation I ever had next to three weeks in Australia many years ago
  9. “Hadley’s” comet? I’ll see myself out
  10. Really getting tired of waking up in Newfoundland every morning
  11. I didn’t even know there’s a suspicious area off of Florida to be investigated before I wrote that
  12. Only a series of landfalling cyclones can save this summer
  13. Was definitely not anticipating this.. Just popped up west of me. I thought the atmosphere was too stable to sustain anything
  14. FYI that two part special on Theodore Roosevelt is outstanding..I highly recommend
  15. You know it’s a slow storm year when northern Canada is getting smoked with t-storms on the regular and we’re backdoored to death
  16. Has a back door front ever been predicted that DIDN'T happen? It seems like the most inevitable thing in the universe when they’re forecasted
  17. Only a choo choo train of tropical cyclones can turn this boring weather pattern
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