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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Frequent lightning to my south and southwest
  2. Did you say the reason they do so well up there is because their right along the northern jet? Because it’s absurd how well they do up there
  3. The new day two should be out pretty soon..I hope it has a hatched area with an arrow pointing directly at my house
  4. I almost forgot about our new fall tornado season
  5. I hope that it’s eventful enough that the Hallmark Channel will make a movie about it someday and call it “Night of the EF0” starring John Schneider
  6. I’d honestly settle for a gusty tstorm at this point
  7. Feeling any better today about this “threat” as opposed to yesterday, Wiz?
  8. Well at least the tropics are starting to percolate a bit
  9. I’m slightly surprised that Wiz hasn’t started a thread for the severe threat late Saturday?
  10. Can’t believe I’m saying this but if this is all we have to look forward to this summer then bring on winter. At least then we get the occasional storm threat
  11. My wife is getting a tremendous t storm in Austin TX and my sister is getting severe weather around Venice Italy. Life just isn’t fair…
  12. Those Expos teams were exciting and a lot of fun to watch as well as loaded with talent. Unfortunately most of them eventually would leave for somewhere else after free agency.
  13. Still amazes me how many treat Fenway like it’s some kind of ridiculous sacred shrine. Dan Shaughnessy once called it “a lyrical bandbox” What a load of baloney. Build a newer/modern/more comfortable facility already.
  14. Fwiw live cam footage of a t storm headed into Phoenix AZ https://www.phoenix.gov/citycam
  15. I wish tomorrow was named “Supercell Saturday”
  16. For lack of anything else going on at the moment, should we be watching that area east of the Antilles for tropical development?
  17. I’d settle for a gusty shower at this point
  18. Man…This might be the most boring June for weather locally I can ever remember
  19. I remember back in the 70’s to early 80’s it seemed Worcester county was good for at least an EF1 or 2 every year.
  20. I hope we get the mother of all landphoons this summer
  21. Friend is reporting hail in Weymouth not sure as to the size
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