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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. This is true! And I’ll hold onto this hope like grim death
  2. No storms no tropical cyclones. Feels like I died and went to San Diego
  3. I’d love to wake up to thunder tomorrow if possible. It’s been forever and a day since that’s happened
  4. Hopefully they’ll be handing out warnings tomorrow like cotton candy at the circus
  5. Frequent lightning and some distant booms to my WSW
  6. I’m driving to Brockton to chase the dying remnants later. Wish me luck
  7. It was horrible in the olden days when you’d go to bed anticipating a huge storm and missing school and waking up to partly cloudy and schools on ....At least we get the bad news much earlier now
  8. As have I which is why I’m speculating this fall season will be a dud. No science to back that up of course
  9. I’d trade the next four winters for a decent tropical cyclone this summer and a nor’easter to be named later
  10. My friend in Emmaus PA has been a severe weather magnet ever since he moved down there
  11. Just hoping for a storm doesn’t have to be Waco 1953
  12. Thanks for the explanation and I’d be delighted to be wrong lol
  13. Not a pro obviously but it’s difficult to imagine any “exciting” severe chances in our current weather pattern?
  14. Didn’t the ‘38 storm destroy an entire species of tree?
  15. Reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode where the Earth is moving closer to the sun. That disturbed me quite a bit as a kid
  16. It really has been a “Three Sisters summer”
  17. Are their any tropical cyclones showing up on long range guidance for the East Coast?
  18. Very dark where I live despite no rain in the forecast
  19. Derecho headed toward Sioux Falls SD https://www.keloland.com/weather/live-cameras/ edit: I’d pierce sensitive areas of my anatomy for a sky as green and lit up as this is
  20. Wow two t storms just disappeared as they got closer to me. Now everything is back to normal
  21. Close enough to enjoy and that’s fine
  22. This is awesome. I wish I could freeze this moment forever and keep reliving it
  23. Best overnight storm in several years I’d say. Let’s hope this was just a tasty appetizer for later this afternoon
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