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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Looks like a storm popping about 10 miles S of me. Big booms in the southern sky
  2. Looked more ominous on radar but just a garden variety T storm with this first batch
  3. I’d love that to happen but except for nor’easters you would never see a system cross Florida like that and then make it up the coast. I'd love to be wrong though
  4. Live St John’s webcam fwiw https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/canada/newfoundland-labrador/st-johns-harbour.html
  5. Need to find some webcams to watch this unfold in real time
  6. Looks like quite the unprecedented event for those folks
  7. Even worse than ‘38 for areas around Boston I believe I read before?
  8. I never thought in ‘85 it would be 35+ years before I’d experience anything like that again. And that was only a strong cat 1
  9. For the record I’d love a tropical system/hurricane for here but not an 928mb gorilla
  10. Holt crap this will be getting international headlines pretty soon one would think
  11. I’ll help with the cleanup. I’ve got nothing else going on
  12. Going there in a couple of weeks. Can it delay development until I arrive?
  13. Doesn’t feel like a day that would include t-storms
  14. Montreal steals our t-storms and Nova Scotia steals our ‘canes. What’s next? The Stanley Cup??
  15. At this point a Caribbean storm would probably produce less anxiety than following a wave off of Africa
  16. If it misses us I hope it misses by 2000 miles and not something like Eduardo from several years back
  17. Like everyone else I’m so desperate for any weather related excitement that I hope this one comes together and does something..Doesn’t need to be 1938/1954 or even 1985
  18. Looks like I may need to restock my hermetically sealed bread and milk room
  19. If the Pats are going to suck this year at least the Fates can let us have a hurricane
  20. Hopefully OTS this time will really mean “On To Sturbridge”
  21. Uggh ain’t gonna make it with that track
  22. Were there any confirmed tornadoes anywhere in SNE this summer?
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