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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. I don’t think I can recall a storm with such incredible discrepancies in snow totals in such a short distance. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened just that I can’t recall it
  2. Finally more snow than rain but precip is light. Glad I don’t let this stuff get to me anymore
  3. Two inches and falling heavily! (of rain, DOOH!)
  4. Looks like my rain has tapered off for the time being..Looks like the change over line is about 10-15 miles to my NW
  5. Beginning to change over in Uxbridge per my friend
  6. Rain here…But when I look at it real closely it’s….still rain
  7. What is that area southeast of Boston? Is that some kind of local enhancement due to some ocean effect?
  8. Hmmmm.. might have to put the toaster away until severe season
  9. Oh with severe I fully expect to be a jilted lover each time
  10. I don’t want to say things look bad but I bought a new toaster today and put it on a very rickety shelf above my bathtub
  11. Would be the perfect coup de Grace for this lousy winter as currently modeled for coastal folks
  12. Glad it’s not the N Korean model. That could be trouble
  13. And 5-10 will likely disappear on the ground about three days later
  14. If neither of these storms works out locally I’m ready for my low 50’s and dim sun till June
  15. I’m not completely surprised we’ve had a mediocre winter. As others have mentioned we were/are due for a “regression to the mean”. I was getting 1-2 foot storms multiple times a season and I knew that wasn’t typical for here
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