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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Agreed that it seemed this happened routinely 20-30 years ago!
  2. You can for eastern MA LOL. As bad as it’s been here though, obviously a completely different story out near the Springfield area. Must look like a huge lake after the rain this summer
  3. Lol never ceases to amuse me how with a slight risk so close it still cuts off so abruptly that I’m lucky to get a clap of thunder in E MA
  4. NYC might be the thunder capital of the NE. Even on marginal days it seems a cluster is routinely tearing through the city
  5. Not expecting a repeat of ‘53 but I wonder if the region breaks some kind of record for tornado warnings at least
  6. NWS still suggesting redevelopment overnight for at least eastern and southern areas
  7. Looks like Pike north for this next round and the outer Cape
  8. I wonder if you can still see the 2011 Springfield tornado damage in the woods behind that show
  9. Hard to imagine many not seeing something with this next batch
  10. Can’t remember seeing that much lightning on a map so early in the day around here
  11. About 10 miles further north for each of them and it would have been a memorable night
  12. How/why is it getting that hot? Seems kind of alarming at first glance?
  13. Raining hard here for the first time in this entire event
  14. No lightning at all with any of this batch in E MA and RI coming through
  15. It would be great to see the sun poke through for a few hours and see what severe could result
  16. Looks like the south and mid Atlantic may have an issue with severe later this weekend?
  17. I probably have seasonal affective disorder so unless we’re getting a walloping I hate it
  18. Some exciting weather would do wonders for my overall mood. Not sure if others here feel that way. Providing its own natural anti-depressant
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