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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Could this potentially turn into one of those deals where months later it’s determined the low had acquired some tropical characteristics and was actually a depression/low end storm? I think this happened just a couple of years ago
  2. More storms forming in E MA. Maybe time for a second Cape tornado on the day lol
  3. Are we done for the day? Wouldn’t mind one more round later?
  4. My sister lives in Middleboro and said nothing going on there at all
  5. Delayed but maybe not denied?Thunder storm looks like it broke off from the RI stuff and is headed north. Pouring again at any rate
  6. Who the heck is issuing the warnings this morning? lol
  7. Weird. Under a warning but no thunder or lightning in these parts
  8. I wonder if that mess on Long Island gets close to us later on?
  9. Lightning developing with that cell northwest of Boston
  10. Lightning picking up with that cell on eastern Long Island
  11. Maybe a little something for us tomorrow? Not expecting even an enhanced risk obviously.
  12. The meteorologist on channel 5 just mentioned the possibility of severe weather including a tornado threat Monday afternoon
  13. That stuff in NY looks like it’s in absolutely no hurry at all
  14. Weird day…Poured for about five minutes and now the sun is trying to come out
  15. FWIW and probably doesn’t mean too much locally, the sun has been breaking out in the past hour or so
  16. Question for the group. Have we had any days this summer when an EML was present but we didn’t have a front or air mass at the time to take advantage of it?
  17. Let’s get some good lightning producers for Friday evening
  18. My folks live in Easton right off of Bay Rd..Completely meh according to them and my mom is terrified of t-storms
  19. Cell to my north trying to back build south a bit
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