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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Typical eastern MA spring day in progress (unfortunately)
  2. Some areas looking at possible severe later this week?
  3. I always find this link handy on days like this: https://livestormchasing.com
  4. Speaking of OK things are starting to pop now
  5. To be fair, even today isn’t the total disaster I thought it would be. Albeit a bit chilly
  6. Central NE stealing our sunshine and storms..Our snow wasn’t enough
  7. I probably mentioned it here before but I have bad seasonal affective disorder and hopefully when I retire in a few years I can head south for at least a warmer (sunnier?) climate
  8. Cicadas, an earthquake, and an eclipse. Glad I’m not superstitious
  9. I felt one on the 10th floor of the MGM Grand in Vegas about 25 years ago. THAT was wild
  10. Is the mid Atlantic stealing our snow AND earthquakes? Seriously though didn’t feel anything here
  11. Centered over Ohio just a day before the 50th anniversary of the Xenia storm
  12. This winter has been the equivalent of putting sharp toothpicks under fingernails
  13. Is Reed Timmer a hypemaster? He’s predicting a big tornado outbreak in OK/AR/KS on Monday next week. He even drew comparisons to 2011
  14. I’m down the street from you and absolutely no doubt that incredible stat is true
  15. Thunder would make this the winter highlight for me
  16. Is this officially the longest stretch without 4+ inches in a storm for Boston?
  17. Screw it. Can’t get any snow so let’s at least set some records
  18. With no snow or storms to speak of I usually immerse myself in tornado research. I’ve been reading and researching everything everything on the web about the Tri State Tornado of ‘25…So easy to lose myself for hours reading books, eyewitness accounts and pictures.
  19. Seems like our area is finally paying the price for being in a great spot the last several years
  20. Unprecedented tornado season in 1953 and unprecedented hurricane season in ‘54. Any connection?
  21. Surprisingly one of the most crime ridden cities in the country
  22. I’d rather partly sunny and brisk tomorrow if the best I can do is two lousy inches from this. Might as well go for the record at this point
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