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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Scared my folks down in Easton. Been a long time since they’ve been nervous due to a storm
  2. It’s been so long I probably forgot what a normal storm can do lol
  3. I’m surprised there isn’t at least a special weather statement for these
  4. Holy crap just had two very close flashes and bangs here! Nearly jumped out of my chair
  5. Whoever mentioned backbuilding was on the ball. Second thunderstorm in the last two hours about to come thru
  6. A bit of thunder and heavy rain here which is welcome but nothing strong
  7. I almost went back in to edit that. Yeah I definitely don’t intend to belittle what those folks went thru
  8. Definitely not an expert like Scott but gotta figure in lieu of recent developments that our chances tonight are better than the faux tornado watch from the other day for thunderstorms
  9. Wouldn’t surprise me if Taunton to Brockton enjoy the bulk of this again
  10. Just give me some nocturnal fireworks and I’ll be happy. I just don’t want it to slide 10 miles south of me like my last 15 thunderstorms have
  11. The best thunderstorm in my lifetime
  12. I remember growing up in the late 70’s and 80’s that Worcester Cty would get absolutely nailed at least a few times a summer and usually an F1 or F2 tornado as well
  13. It seems southeastern MA down to the Cape has had great luck with severe the last few years
  14. I’m glad I never really bought into yesterday’s potential. Maybe the remnant EML could make Wednesday interesting for more folks locally?
  15. Well the sun is trying hard as hell to break out here fwiw
  16. Looks like the NWS expanded the Enhanced risk all the way into central MA as well as the 10% tornado prob. Slight risk expanded for the rest of SNE except the Cape Edit: STP values of 1.5 to 3 whoa
  17. As was already mentioned up thread, lapse rates and absence of an EML would/should? dampen anyone’s expectations tomorrow. Have we ever had a significant event in the region in the absence of both of those?
  18. I remember this day pretty well. Was part of a squall line that roared through most of the state. Remember when we used to get squall lines?
  19. Slight risk north of the pike for today
  20. Our inside air is giving us issues so I’d be happy this once to see temps underachieve a little
  21. Blinding rain and some thunder but less lightning than I thought
  22. Lightning just popping everywhere west of Boston right now
  23. Oh wow! Lightning detector just exploded between Worcester and Boston
  24. It’s been sunny here all day long and it sucks we can’t take advantage of that
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