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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. D+ and that might be generous. No storm over 5 inches for the second year in a row
  2. Wow. Bruins traded half their team away today
  3. And that’s my only wish. Like knowing you won’t get to date the beautiful cheerleader but you ask her out anyway
  4. Clearly the weather gods are dissatisfied. Does anyone have a barnyard animal we can sacrifice?
  5. Any chance we sneak in some convection?
  6. Have I already seen my last flakes of the season? For that to happen in mid Feb would be interesting
  7. No snowstorms no hurricanes and now no asteroid. Just not very exciting here these days lol
  8. “In like a lion, out like a lamb”?
  9. The Cape is about one major snowstorm away from surpassing my snow totals again (I believe)
  10. If I’m wrong please correct me but why does it seem the computer models are becoming less accurate every year? And what needs to happen to fix that? More funding?
  11. It’s been a “Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown” kind of winter
  12. Bring on the spring. Cold without snow is silly (to me)…Give me my cloudy/drizzly/chilly spring
  13. At least i won’t have to be pissed someone gets demolished 100 miles south of me while I get coastal flurries with this
  14. Three years ago I had a bone fide severe warned storm in mid February and indeed it WAS my best storm of that year
  15. How did this come about? Warmer up above maybe?
  16. Oh NAM We humbly beseech thee and please bring us copious amounts of frozen water in thy name forever and ever. Amen Author unknown
  17. If this doesn’t pan out I’m moving to Miami Beach and the word snow removed from my vocabulary forever
  18. Ha. I wouldn’t touch a Miller with salad tongs but the pun wouldn’t have made sense
  19. I’m gonna need to DRINK a Miller if this latest threat doesn’t happen
  20. Agreed but my wife and sister in law apparently have some weird fascination with the place. At least there’s a dispensary down the street lol
  21. At least with the poor winter there’s been little talk of “sun angles” lol
  22. Yay I get to drive out to Yankee Candle in Deerfield Saturday.. Should be all sorts of fun with the ice and mixed precip
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