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Everything posted by jayyy

  1. Right? If that low tracked from NC due NE to its depicted location, we’d all be seeing 12+
  2. Solid call. 22/20 here as well. Dews up 2 degrees. Meep. Sleep well sir, tomorrow comes the mauling
  3. Slight, no doubt. However...a track on the Other side of the mouth of bay can make a decent difference for C MD and NoVa the low is both weaker and further east. Both positives for that area
  4. How are you doing on temps right now? It’s a pre-mauling 22 out there over here
  5. I’m salivating at that run here in west Carroll county
  6. Euro has done this two runs in a row. It doesn’t make sense to me, at all. The pattern is fairly progressive, a ridge is pumping to the south... all conducive of a NE track, not NW. I must be missing something... HRRR track would be swell for most
  7. Not a bad idea. I think 2-5” is a good call for downtown Baltimore. I feel good about at least 2-3” with the front end thump being depicted on mesos and Hi res - Lollipop 4”They can usually sniff out WAA thump way better than globals can. Not sold on backend snows at this juncture.
  8. 850s 0c is literally 10 miles SE of me. Kept all snow... barely. Best place to be for QPF
  9. Any other storm I’d have much more confidence in the outcome this close to the storm. The forecast looks pretty locked from 15 on west. However...in the C MD, N VA and the I 95 corridor, not so much. Models still differ a great deal at both the surface and the upper levels. Going to truly be a nowcasting situation with this one.
  10. The HP also hasn’t retreated as much by hour 30 as was being shown at 18z
  11. Not sure honestly. Think it may have either a wet bias or a tendency to see sleet as snow. that being said... it could be onto something. WAA with these classic Miller A’s tend to overproduce.
  12. Temps appear to mainly be cooler than modeled thus far. No model had me at 22 at midnight. HP also appears to be better positioned / a weeeee bit stronger on the UKIE
  13. 22/19 elevation: 500 ft nice to see dew points in the teens ahead of the event New WSW issued for 6-12”
  14. Is it normal to see so much variation among ensemble members this close to an event? I know some variation is normal but 1-2” of snow to slop versus 6+ in dc seems pretty wild this close to the event. Those 30-40 miles could mean everything for some
  15. Thinking the same for me here. 6-10 instead it 10-16 like I was thinking
  16. Inclined to agree. Decent CAD in place with a storm tracking to the south - albeit closer to the coast than many of us east of 81 would like. Don’t see rain being a factor for points north and west of Baltimore. Sleet bomb impending.
  17. Woah, woah. No one’s talking about jealousy over snowstorms my friend. We aren’t children. I went to college in Buffalo NY and lived there for roughly 18 months after I graduated from UB. I grew up in the northeast, so I definitely understand big snows as well. Used to see 3-4-5” per hour lake effect thunder snow bands, on the regular... I miss it. which is why I’m so excited to finally have a shot at warning level snowfall. It’s not about comparing backyards, I assure you Just happy to track something.
  18. Grew up and lived in Rockland County NY (new city) for 30+ years. We had some EPIC thunder sleet during events over the years. Can still hear that pinging on my folks clunky metal 1980s AC window unit if I think about it. We used to get a lot of nor’easters where we’d see 3-6 inch snow on the front end followed by buckets of sleet and IR as the more elevated locations 20 min to my NW near bear mountain saw 2 feet.
  19. I did. Saying “some snow” to sleet to snow (backend snow nonetheless) sounded to me like you were talking low totals. My apologies. And yes, I’m a weenie. A weenie who’s about to experience my first legit storm up in the northern tier of MD.... and my first legit shot at a foot in some years. This weenie is going to enjoy the crap out of it.
  20. Can smell the sour grapes all the way from here. Next time, friend. there will be plenty east of 81 who see warning level snowfall.
  21. If your buildings tall enough, you may be able to catch a pellet or two before it melts from the rooftop. I kid, I kid.
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