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Everything posted by jayyy

  1. You’re by turf valley right? Think you’ll go back to snow after 8-9
  2. You in Sykesville or Leesburg for this one bud?
  3. Heaviest snow of the storm so far 29.5 degrees
  4. No one cares that you see 150+ inches of snow a year in New Hampshire. You’re mad. Clearly. And if you’re not, you’re just a being a giant peen for the hell of it. Cut it out man. The only thing you seem to do is reply to people’s OBS and talk smack. Everyone knows we live in a borderline climo. Nobody actually thought it would snow 50” at camp David — that was a clown map on a model 3-4 days out. Relax chief. anyway.. back to the snow - 29 degrees heavy snow over 6”
  5. Impressed to see you hold on so long in the city
  6. You kind of love raining all over people’s parades. Just admit it lol @PhineasC The storm isn’t half over many, btw.
  7. We know dude. Everyone’s flipping south of the counties that border PA lol
  8. It’ll flip back to sleet once Columbia is out of that precip hole. Best lift is to the north, drying out areas underneath it.
  9. Wooooow. Under that band in west Carroll county right now. Incredible.
  10. Sadly it’s more about latitude than anything else with that sleet line. Sleeting in WV C-MD VA south of Leesburg and points south. Being further out west from the UHIs that are Dc / Baltimore isn’t helping stifle that sleet line. We need the 850 low to pop. Like now lol!
  11. Curious to see how things pan out on the back end. More and more support for a backend womp north of I-70
  12. Hope we see that SLP shove east/northeast off VA instead of NW like models depicted. Faster changeover would be swell. Still safe from mix up here in Union bridge.... but not sure we hold too much longer.
  13. Thank you! Hoping we can fend off sleet until at least 5 pm
  14. Unreal brother. Already topped 3” and piling up fast
  15. Sure. Just not as fast as it did for you for folks west of 95. The RS line March will slow down north of the ICC / west of 95 for a bit.
  16. Wonder what happens if the low doesn’t make that goofy NW turn!
  17. HRRR has snow in Columbia at 3 pm. Curious how that pans out
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