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Everything posted by SnowGoose69

  1. Baton Rouge maybe, not sure anyone else does, I think there will be alot of 2s-3s because of sleet in most other stations. Montgomery/Augusta/Columbus are ones to watch maybe too. New Orleans/Charleston/Mobile/Pensacola will mix as will houston
  2. Yup. I got 1.8 or so on average, they were pretty close. EWR got a bit more than NYC because they snowed for awhile late afternoon while we were dry slotting as well as LGA/JFK. In the evening the heavier bands in the 7-9pm window slid just ESE of NYC hitting LGA/JFK. JFK I think melted more as they took longer to get to 32 than LGA did.
  3. The GRAF has come back south somewhat now, showing less wacky totals for ATL than it had been. I think dsaur/deltapilot/suzook are sitting in a way better spot than ATL downtown or even the airport. could see a case where they see 1-1.5 inches if this bumps somewhat north and downtown ATL sees flurries or nothing. In SC I think I'd pick 30-40 miles NW of CHS for prime spot. CHS obviously risk of sleet.
  4. No both were weak La Ninas to neutral cold. 96-97 had a great AO/NAO combo in Dec much like 2012 did but nothing happened outside of interior parts of SNE and Upstate NY. Then we went cold and dry in January and torch in February. It was more of a bad luck winter than anything else, some places south of here had well above normal snowfall. 11-12 and 01-02 were similar as far as their proximity to a solar max and a neutral after a Nina
  5. Looks increasingly likely we will be neutral or weak La Nina again next winter. Historically that has not generally been good near solar maxes, I think this winter we benefited somewhat coming off the El Nino as we did in 2010-2011. I am definitely fearing 96-97 01-02 11-12 somewhat next winter if we continue to see a move towards La Nina or cold neutral
  6. The spots I'd most want to be in are probably a BTR-Hattiesburg to maybe 40 miles south of MGM-CSG-MCN corridor...south of that might be mixing
  7. Don't think you'll see a big change really, this is simply the models catching onto what the Euro has been showing, the WAA finger of snow over GA/SC/AL was being badly underdone but I'd expect it does not climb much further north than this.
  8. It did well with the last SE storm, I know that. Its awful with convection though. I had been ignoring it since it was so bad last summer.
  9. Tough one for the NWS here, the GRAF/Euro/GFS are all showing snow extending way further in GA/SC/NC than any other model, you can assume the higher resolution of the mesos is correct and why they see nothing but in airmass like this it might not take much to squeeze out an inch of snow
  10. You gotta be close to it. Christmas 02 I was 3 miles maybe on a straight line form LGA and heard numerous claps of thunder but the airport never reported it. Its usually only audible due to the snow absorbing the sound and the lightning sometimes being obscured form nearby
  11. The Euro has consistently shown the warm advection band reaching them. Otherwise just the high res GFS did today. RGEM was close but just south
  12. The GS line finally cleared E of them, radar was more impressive an hour ago but it was mixed with GS so it did not look that bad
  13. Not even what the issue is I don't think as all layers are below 0C above like 1500ft, its likely just lousy snow growth on the east edge of the deformation zone. The CC radar does not see it since its not PL though some observers are mistakenly reporting PL instead of GS
  14. Definitely going to be graupel mixed in til 23z or so based on latest obs...you can see looking at the METARS from E PA to NJ that a line from around CDW back to just east of TTN and down through metro PHL the visibilities are high based on the radar echoes, everything back behind that is all snow
  15. DPs are pretty low now in the HSV and SW CT. The N wind is gonna pull those down in the 22-01z period. LGA/JFK will go from like 37/34 to 32/30 really fast once this consolidates and moves in
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