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Everything posted by SnowGoose69

  1. I feel as if the EPS/GEFS have been switching off on attempting this for weeks, now the 12Z GEFS today is trying it after it was the coldest in the east at D13-16 just a few days ago
  2. NYC actually had several 80s winters with only 12-18 inches or so total snow that were pretty cold winters. That is somewhat unrepresentative of the area as a whole though as many of those winter NYC was a snow hole relative to Long Island and places inland
  3. Jacksonville FL 33/30 now, going to see alot of FZRA maybe
  4. Thats another daily record beating 0.8 from 1983
  5. My mom wanted to retire to Jacksonville I told her yeah that won't work, you need to be Tampa to Melbourne line south really to be consistently warm with only some cold nights
  6. Somewhere from ABY in GA down to the FL border is going to see crazy snow totals, maybe 7-8 inches. Looks like once you head over to VLD it'll be a mix
  7. Ensembles and for example 18Z GFS show a pattern that is potentially very clipper favorable, we might finally see one impact the area in the next 2 weeks
  8. The frontogenesis models showed 30-40 miles south of ATL as often happens verified about that distance north which is why that corridor had a period of moderate snow and so far Macon and other locations were light, probably had some subsidence
  9. Ratios seem to be closer to 10:1 so I think the official airport measurement will be 0.7 or something near that which is what the Euro 10:1 maps showed when I had the major airports on them
  10. Airport camera in ATL looks like VIS is down to 2-3 miles
  11. I think the airport might see a half inch, downtown less. The Euro did have like 1.1 at the airport based on .08 QPF but I think some of that will be lost to dry air as it had snow by 1830-19z
  12. Euro .08 liquid still for ATL, for those in FFC .12 shows snow 19-00Z. Radar about to close up the virga hole so might begin very soon. MGM interestingly is struggling so far, sometimes in these setups dry air aloft can push harder into AL/MS than GA
  13. Looking at the virga circle closing up and the radar overall I do think steady snow will fall from I-20 south. could see the line setting up slightly north, still probably 90 more minutes til anything falls
  14. Can see its snowing out over the Gulf right now on this camera https://hiltonpensacolabeach.com/beach-cam/
  15. MSY 211700 METAR 211653Z 01015G24KT 1/8SM PSN FZFG VV007 M03/M03 A3055 RMK AO2 PK WND 36026/1636 SLP349 SNINCR 2/3 P0004 T10281033 RVRNO
  16. I really doubt much happens N of I-20. I think from there to the airport could see a half inch and definitely the towns S of ATL could see 1-1.5
  17. Can't stop laughing at this. I guess they never had to use a SNINCR remark before. Don't believe IAH will have beaten the record for Houston, not sure HOU is considered official site or not 211500 METAR 211453Z COR 01012KT 1/2SM SN FZFG VV007 M03/M04 A3066 RMK AO2 SLP387 60006 SNOW ON GROUND 3 INCHES TOTAL ACCUMULATED PRECIP.27 T10281039 53025
  18. Downstream of Atlanta I didn’t really see anyone reporting precip til cloud decks reached 5,000 or so but sometimes once precip reaches areas that are much colder it can reach the ground from higher cloud bases so those reports might be accurate under areas where the echoes on radar are more intense
  19. The soundings from the 12Z NAM at 18Z tomorrow near your location to me are not ones that are going to make it that hard for snow to reach the ground. At 18Z its saturated above 6K and mostly the 3-5K layer is the driest, but not THAT dry. I've seen much worse soundings which scream VIRGA than that
  20. The 18Z 12km NAM now has snow into ATL for maybe 2 hours. It did a miserable job last storm though and has not been consistent on this one really to this point
  21. It was also the last cold neutral after an El Nino we had which is surprising after 40 years. 92-93 and 03-04 were more warm neutrals after El Nino winters.
  22. Agreed. I'm also confused with the WWA for the northern counties yet the verbiage in the WWA says 1-2 inches, I believe in the south region of the NWS 2 inches is supposed to be a Winter Storm Warning.
  23. I would go to somewhere in that Perry-Cordele corridor looking at the map down I-75. I think in that area you could see it or somewhere nearby
  24. I think it is for many. Its undoubtedly a very overpowered aircraft but I've not heard many pilots say they don't like it over the years.
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