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Everything posted by SnowGoose69

  1. Tomorrow evening could be active for central and eastern LI
  2. Lightning now on the area of cells west of Staten Island headed for the southern part of the metro
  3. No lightning yet but not likely to see a ton of convection on the line til 21Z or as it approaches the area
  4. OFBs now blowing things up all over, cells popping near LGA though they're just high topped showers for now. Also more development happening west of SI over NJ
  5. Looks like the WRF-ARW and the RDPS were closest to the 18-20Z evolution overall. I think 22-01Z is the window for most of the area north of that, the steering flow veers more W to SW.
  6. Its about a Danbury to Sussex County line. I am not sure it makes it much past around New Brunswick by this evening. I felt yesterday it would clear safely south of the metro by 15-16z. We should see cells form on it too as early as 17Z, especially NYC east
  7. The front is not pressing as far south as expected yesterday so this could be bad for the area whereas I leaned more central NJ or E PA 24 hours ago
  8. The NY harbor earthcam now looks like a microburst...just a wall of white
  9. EWR probably hit 100, as soon as winds shifted from 160-220 they warmed up
  10. More resembles the WRF-ARW2 now which by far has been closest to what is happening on timing and formation of cells
  11. Its only showers but already more activity initiating in PA than the HRRR showed. Could still see a line of TSTMs here 22-23z
  12. The HRRR IMO is underdone somewhat while the 3km NAM is likely overdone. The instability sort of peaks more in NJ. We may see little to nothing on that line til the disturbance reaches far NE PA and W NJ but development would probably fire up much faster than the HRRR indicates
  13. We'll see if ocean temps are warm enough for these cells to maybe make it across and impact southern Queens or Brooklyn but I think they'll weaken
  14. The SUNY Oswego webcams look like there could be a wall cloud off to the west but its not rotating from what I see and may just be leftover from an old circulation
  15. I was listening to some radio station in Jamaica that night as were some others here on this forum or maybe easternwx, I recall the guys giving a play by play and it took somewhat of a last minute jog SW I think
  16. LaGuardia reporting 101 this hour
  17. I think the change began quite a bit before that too. I began noticing in 1996 or 97 that their readings began falling, in 93-95 there did not seem to be a huge disparity. Another issue that some have theorized plagues the readings at NYC, especially on hot days where there is less wind is a layer of smog that can develop in urbanized areas and slightly reduce the solar radiation. This was pointed out by someone back in 98 or 99 that they'd often soar in temp til 12-1pm then level off and not go up as much as the other stations.
  18. Even now why is the GEFS so much more troffy out west near 3/20 vs the GEPS/EPS? Even with the two ensembles close to the same on MJO amplitude in 7? Would see again GEFS just more thinks the PAC jet is gonna blast the PAC NW blocking ridge that forms away while the other 2 suites do not see it being as easy to knock it down
  19. Models always try to rush pattern flips...depending upon what the SSW does though we might find that things change faster than expected. Would not be exactly blown away if the 3/10-3/15 period ends up colder or much different looking at H5 than what ensembles will show over the next 5 days when its falling in the 11-15 span.
  20. There was a pretty strong push from the mid 90s to the mid 2000s to hire mostly degreed meteorologists on TV but in the last 10-15 years that has really vanished again. Many of the people on TWC for example are not meteorologists now...at least the more recent hires anyway. Part of the problem is the Mississippi degree is becoming a huge thing now. I have been hearing even operational meteorology jobs they're seeing like 30% of the applicants with that degree. NWS requirements still force you to have courses though which won't qualify you with that degree
  21. Some similarities to 00-01 though December 03 was not nearly as cold but the winter decided to just take a long break for most of February into early March before it came back again. February 04 remains the only case for NYC where at least 6 inches of snow did not fall when Dec/Jan both had 10 inches or more.
  22. Ensembles have tended to be too strong with any SE ridging most of the winter...the area they've missed has been the PNA ridge which has tended to verify way flatter than shown in the longer range but the tendency to want to show ridging maximized outside of SE Canada or New England has failed on numerous occasions which is why despite being above normal for the winter, places from MS across to GA and into FL have been frigid relative to what they saw in Jan/Feb 2023....I have seen ATL has had only 1 high of 70 or higher the entire winter so far which explains why on web cameras I see the pear trees hae not even bloomed yet where last year as well as 18/19 and even 22 they were basically leafed out by now.
  23. 89-90/96-97/01-02/11-12/12-13 were all relatively bad. I am not sure a neutral after a Nina would be bad but they do tend to be and often times they suck for a large section of the country...01-02, 11-12, 12-13 were pretty much bad in large sectors of the nation.
  24. I always wondered how they measured back before 93. I assume they labeled the measurements at CPK but they must have been getting done outside the NWS office at Rockefeller Plaza at the time
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