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Everything posted by SnowGoose69

  1. Yeah I’ve never seen our area here get major snows from this sort of setup nor even a high end advisory event
  2. Haha....have you seen the NAO the last 6-7 years in March and April?
  3. There’s no way the pattern will stay that warm for that long. My guess is by 2/1 it flips. TBH we may be better off just getting that miserable pattern in mid to late January vs what’s happened last few years where a massive SE ridge has occurred in February
  4. The Euro has been trending the last 2 days towards killing that wave quickly. It’s probably better for us than it going high amplitude into 6 and maybe taking forever to get to 7 or just spending forever in 5 and 6
  5. Oh yes that I knew. The one you mentioned though from 91-92 is the one I can’t recall the day but distinctly remember it busting.
  6. I can’t recall what day it was but I vaguely remember this one. I want to say it was a Friday afternoon or evening in February or March and have no recollection of why it busted. We were supposed to get a decent amount up here too
  7. While I believe it goes into 4/5 I am not sure on the amplitude. The tendency the last month or two has been for it to want to be lower amplitude than show 10-20 days out.
  8. Yeah February and March could be big months. January I would say is tossed at this stage but subject to change. The MJO looks to go into 4-5 and maybe 6 starting 1/7. That means probably no major effect from it til 1/12-1/14. Thereafter it’s at least 15 days til it either goes into the COD or into 7 so I would toss the remaining 2 weeks of the month and then see what happens thereafter. It remains possible that from 1/6 til the 12th or 14th some type of snow event could occur
  9. The only way that storm doesn’t cut in that pattern is if the pattern is fluid and transient. There’s been a few storms over the years (never KUs because of the speed) that have run over 40-70 in a setup such as that. They usually occur right at the start of the cold outbreak which as we know is rare. In general when you see a pattern shift, even a brief one the snow event usually occurs several days or more in. Then immediately after the storm the ridge out west breaks down again it moves into the plains and we go right back to warm. If that ridge holds there for 7-10 days behind the storm and the pattern isn’t transient that thing cuts most of the time
  10. If the Euro having that insane 4-5 passage is right this winter could very well be over. It basically starts it around 1/12. So figure you’re toast through 2/1 minimum if it’s that strong of a wave. My hunch though is that it won’t verify anything like that
  11. The main hope now is that the ECMWF MJO forecast is wrong because if it’s not we might have a window 1/8-1/20 and then it’s gonna be over for 2-3 weeks again
  12. 95-96 was. 10-11 I think was the result somewhat of a lag in the atmosphere from the strong Niño the prior winter which led to blocking early. Once past 1/20-1/25 or so that blocking was gone and the winter was over. 95-96 was also an extremely weak La Niña on the order of like a 2000-2001
  13. I’m surprised 96-97 isn’t in there. I seem to recall some sort of massive central Pac ridge that screwed us but maybe it was further north. It may have been an Aleutian/Bering block which can be bad too
  14. Yeah it’s nowhere near as bad as last year with a SOI of like -100 and there being zero periods of a NAO/AO at all. It’s likely gonna flip at some point
  15. Isn’t it headed for 8? I mean I’ve looked at nothing being on vacation but if it’s really headed for 4 or 5 DT and JB both blatantly lied on Twitter last night
  16. The pattern the next 2 weeks is sort of pre climate change warm. It’s very much 1970-1988 bad. Not 1989-2019 torch shutout bad. I wouldn’t even be surprised if places like BWI/DCA pulled off a snow event in the next 14 days
  17. The pattern is more of a bad 70s/80s pattern than a 90s/2000s shutout all out torch. Something may pop at anytime in the next 15 days that produces snow where as we were totally hopeless for large portions of winters the last 20-25 years
  18. I never look at the CFS but I swore I saw posts here a week ago saying it was insanely cold for January. That must have been a different version of it
  19. We’ve torched 2 consecutive Februarys so I have to figure this time we won’t
  20. Yup. I bought the first new car of my life in June of 2018 (sonata) and because I had no loan history at all at nearly age 40 and only one credit card I got a lousy 5.8% loan rate. To make it more shocking I payed 50% in cash too so my loan was for a lousy 14,500 and 2 banks despite a credit score of 740-750 straight up turned me down due to lack of history. People often ask me why did you not just pay the whole car off then? I said because I wanted to get some sort of history on my record before buying a house. I payed the loan off a few months ago in one shot. My credit score is now 812. Meanwhile the 2018 Sonata has had some issues for sure. A couple of times it has not immediately started in cold weather and I've had to hit the button 4-5 times. Some folks in the Plains/Midwest last winter could not get them started at all and had to have the solenoid assemblies replaced. Oddly enough it was never recalled to this day.
  21. My first thought when I read this was 12/4/91 or the 1/16/92 bust but this one I don't remember.
  22. The 12/26/93 storm was miserably and I mean miserably handled by NOAA/local mets etc. They completely abandoned ship off a slight shift east in the 12Z guidance that morning despite the fact by noon the radar along the DE/MD coast was clearly west of the 12Z models. I think all warnings outside Suffolk got dropped and by 3-4pm it was obvious the snow was coming straight up the coast. They ended up having to put advisories back up by 7-8pm.
  23. To an extent. If you have a “pig ridge” massive EPO ala 93-94 or 13-14 then in essence it’s nearly impossible to have a -NAO. You can have a -AO though in that setup because the ridge can extend so far north it’s poking more or less near the pole and causing higher heights there. However, an EPO as strong as we saw for long durations of those 2 seasons more or less correlates to lower heights in the area across NE Canada towards Baffin Island. Any semblance of a -NAO would be very east based
  24. That bomb of a storm in the plains that gave Oklahoma City like 2 feet on 12/24/09 pretty much torched the MA and then gave them rain. I thought they had a snow pack still on 12/25 though. I was at Skins/Giants on 12/22 and there was plenty of snow down there still
  25. That was dangerously close to being a catastrophe of a bust. The system started sliding more east than expected and nearly ending up missing a good part of the area. I remember that evening around 6pm sitting at home thinking this is really going to bust isn’t it? It ultimately slid far enough east that most of northern Jersey didn’t see major snows
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