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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. I've got three poodle pups that I'm holding for future owners, but I won't let them out because poodle fur is like velcro for snow. I'm tellin you, i could sell these boys for a mint.They are criminally cute.
  2. I'm. old enough to remember those guys. Considered one of the worst of the early 80s. I kinda liked that song though. And yes, i had hair like that back then. Me and my local contemporary Bon Jovi. He still has his hair though. And I never played an instrument.
  3. Well I'm going to go chill and watch some tv for awhile. Maybe the rates will pick up but for now, we did better in the Dec event. Kinda surprised but what can you do. At least it has a wintry feel out there. I spent so much of the past 15 years raising kids there's a lot of tv to catch up on. Been watching Elementary. Plots aren't great but the acting is top notch. Will check back later but on my phone is the dreaded tapatalk popup, and I'm too lazy to log in and out.
  4. In the famous WC qualifier in CO in 2012, they shoveled the field ( which was a football field IIRC ) off during half time and switched to an orange soccer ball; the US beat Costa Rica who later protested they shouldn't have had to play in the snow. But they were offered a chance to stop the game and because they were only down by 1 goal, they thought they could get one back and tie or win. They got pissy when they went on to lose.
  5. That swath of I95 just isn't performing right now though. Now some people said 7 pm here so we'll see. These kinds of events were typical of my childhood. Always was more north and west. I didn't care as long as I got the day off, which in Catholic schools didn't take much. We'd be closed and I'd watch the poor public schoolers trudging off in boots to a delayed opening. i didn't know yet they were having more fun in school.....
  6. I'll be pleasantly surprised to see 4. NW has already got that. It's cold enough here, we just aren't getting banding. Not sure if it is getting here or not. In a way I'm glad as my wife is at the hospital visiting her sister who had a stroke. It's been tough.
  7. Nothing like a walk in the snow with the mutt. I always remember Mark Twain; if you take in a stray dog and it prospers, it will remain loyal. This is the chief difference between dogs and people.......
  8. We dads tend to worry even if our "kids" are young adults. But the pandemic kept her cohort from learning to drive early and she was a bit delayed, so never got that comfortable and is still shakey.
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