I suspect it is rooted in the magic of childhood snow days; a day off from school, unexpectedly, and a day with friends sledding and having snowball fights. In the past kids in the neighborhood all did this together, differences were put aside, and there were no cellphones and only a handful of tv stations. There was the thrill of hiding behind a snow bank and tossing snowballs at passing cars, before there were cameras everywhere to record the deed. You never knew what would happen til the next morning. You didn't get calls the night before or an email or a posting on a school website canceling the next day because the Euro said you were going to get 2 feet, when you wound up with 3 inches....no, you had to wait til the next morning, and it if it wasn't cranking, you were going to school. Bummer. It was before life became complicated, with mid-terms, exams, dating, teen angst, the drudgery of becoming a wage slave, and having to drive to work in the snow to satisfy the boss man ( or lady ) who expected fealty for giving you the privilege of a job....think "Rosebud." Anyone who has watched through curtains at night, longing for the snow to fall, could understand the meaning of that last gasp...."Rosebud"......indeed.