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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. The idea that serotonin deficiency is related to depression failed to hold up on further investigation. But the SSRI drugs still work, for many people. Better options are being worked on.
  2. ANd trust me, I don't live far from there and went for a walk in another nearby park and it was really only about 1-2 inches, but it was on top of the ice pack so it had a nice, full look to it. Still waiting for something substantial, but this is better than years you see nothing at all. Think we are around 10-11 for the season so far; if these events had been serious systems, we'd have been in good shape.
  3. Well, for one thing the serotonin hypothesis was debunked a very long time ago, but yes, snow does indeed lift some peoples' spirits in the winter because it is bright. Others though, get very depressed by snow and ice. It is theorized that shorter days have something to do with it.
  4. Despite living in the area 62 years, I had never seen nor heard of that pond till you mentioned it, or at least I had not noticed it until about a year ago, and I can't remember why I was even there, probably stumbled on it trying to avoid a traffic jam.
  5. Gorgeous morning walk in Menlo Park this morning. Not much accumulating the parking lots only had dusting but the park was jut beautiful.
  6. lm not shoveling; back still sore from the sleet fest the other day. Nature will dispatch this I’m sure. Thanks for the reports.
  7. North, south, east, west...take your pick this year. We're in a pretty deep hole. God only knows why and he ain't talking.
  8. That's a bit of a different dynamic from here; they can often do better than parts of NJ. Seen a lot of events like that.
  9. It's a dusting here and it just seems like we are fringed. I almost always favor the lower forecasts, especially in a year like this. At least I won't be breaking my back tomorrow. Snowing very lightly.
  10. We saw nothing up here; the mets on tv said a strong NW wind acted like a blow dryer. That's probably why you don't recall it, because it was a nothingburger here. I only remember because it was my first year teaching and I got a call the night before canceling school down in Jackson, where I was teaching ( awful hour long commute at 6 am, but jobs were scarce ). I waited for the big storm and it never came.
  11. Never saw a flake here in Woodbridge. Had school canceled in Jackson. Don't think they saw anything either.
  12. Yeah maybe, thought I heard something pinging outside. Didn't see anything yet. But these storms often kinda stop around that area; when they are getting a foot, we get a lot less. So with 3-4 or so on the table, could leave us with an inch or less. But every storm is different.
  13. I had just turned 20. Already going bald. Oddly, women seemed to like that. Go figure. Guess I looked older.
  14. Odd to sit here listening to the news about all the dire winter weather expected in large parts of the country; S Jersey was mentioned....VA with a SEM.
  15. I use nightcrawlers. Even use em for porgies in the ocean. Much cheaper than bloods or sands. Used to use them for winter flounder too, when they used to be plentiful. Catch a lot of perch with them up in ME too. But ya gotta find the fish to catch em. And you have to have all the baits ready. Don't wanna be the only guy not catching anything because you have the wrong bait or lure. Stripers too, will take nightcrawlers. Not much they won't eat....
  16. I think you are correct; it's really hard to draw firm conclusions just yet; we had very little snow from about 1988-92, then here came 93 and 94....followed by 96, followed by 5 years of very little.
  17. Good god the breastfeeding thing is totally nuts. You'd have to seriously be in thrall to someone to agree to that. Bottle fed is one thing, but this borders on what we in the mental health field would call a perversion.....
  18. I think someone actually did breed a zebra that looked quite a bit like the quagga ( pronounced Kwa Hah by Sherlock, and by the way the show is worth watching for Johnny Lee Miller's outstanding performance, the actor who has played Holmes the longest, and of course the reliable Aidan Quinn and the lovely Lucy Liu as Dr. Watson, who I believe was discovered by a talent agent on the subway ).
  19. They are best when they are coming on top of a good snowpack, which gives them a wintry feel.On top of the inch of ice I have, not so much. Or on bare grass ( the last event did not even cover the grass here ). It's a bizarre winter that features many paltry snow events, I'll say that.
  20. We still had 3-6 inch events though; and more toward the 6....struggling to get past 3 is new, but that may be a function of the drought type conditions, don't know. In any good snow year, and even in the poor ones back then, we had plenty of rain too. I haven't needed an umbrella very much....interestingly, I was watching the show Elementary ( I'm retired and watching shows I missed when I was busy working and seeing the kids through HS. middle school, college ) and the 3rd season was filmed in 2014, and almost every episode features a snowy background or piles of snow on the street; you'd think NYC was a winter wonderland ( a great episode is where the zebras, which Sherlock pronounces the British way, get stolen from the Bronx Zoo, and he is walking through the zoo in a snow storm, which looks like the powdery one from that January; the culprit was the post doc who genetically engineered an extinct quagga from a pair of zebras and killed the vet and put it on the black market....my son was a grad intern at the zoo! He recognized all the scenes ).Likewise, episodes of The Wire, the greatest show in tv history, were filmed in a snowy period in Baltimore, and you'd think that it too, was a snowy city ( that would have been around the early aughts ).
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