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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Hands down, it was the worst winter the region has seen in recent decades; the ice storms were horrific in scope, people were stranded on the roads, people were killed ( prompting a law in NJ that a tow truck MUST render assistance when responding to a call, even if the person has no credit card, as one woman died after a driver left her ). You could not get any kind of salt, period. Not even table salt. No sand, no kitty litter; there weren't 300 Home Depots to shop at. There were no snow shovels; most people still didn't have snow blowers; people were getting robbed at gunpoint for a snow shovel ( it was on the AP wire ). By 96 people had gotten a little more prepared....
  2. As I've pointed out before, at least in the NYC area, that kind of winter had not been witnessed in decades. I had people who'd just moved up from FL, they were like is this every winter? No, we'd say, NYC is just not this cold and snowy; Jim McGreevy, in his biography talks about the "blizzardy weather" of 94, unlike anything he'd ever seen as a child ( he was the Mayor of Woodbridge at the time )
  3. Without even looking I'm guessing 93-94....
  4. On top of this snowpack that would be devastating. I am on record here; I do not like ice storms at any level and do not get excited for them; I want them to miss us every which way they can. Hurricanes, tonados, ice storms.....don't want to see them ever.
  5. I think we get hit again at least once this winter. We've had 3 decent events, I'd call 4 a win. If it stays cold, who knows, we might get another April event. Been more common in recent decades, the last being April 2018 in these parts....ok it was the first or 2nd day, but you can't expect much beyond the first week....we'll see. Today is just misty rain. Will be a pain if glazes over.
  6. Right, we thought 6-10 was a pile on.....
  7. Hopefully the snow will expand a bit south, but we'll still take the mood flakes. I've no rationale as to why it would, but things seem to be overperforming a bit this year.
  8. 2010 took the prize for Feb IIRC....even though the bulk of the storms and snow were south of us that year....
  9. Supporting the old guy, on principle, even though I won't be watching ( not my thing ) but it will be on in the living room as my family has it on.
  10. Yeah my wife told me to call the town and tell them only one car could get through to the local highway....I called and got a recording saying we are busy and don't throw your snow in the street.
  11. What was your total? Sorry if you posted already.....I'm hearing around 5.5.-6.5 over here.
  12. Am over in Woodbridge. Seems about right from eyeballing it. Easy to clean compared to the sleet infused 17-19 inches last week....
  13. So much for east; this is performing better west of the city.
  14. I was out early, saw a guy cross country skiing in the local park and got to see a rare bald eagle fly right past me. Majestic.
  15. If we could keep it going... I just had a good burst but it is waning already. Need a couple more hours to hit 8. Not sure when she exits.
  16. Yeah it has picked up. Would like to see another burst or two like this morning before it moves on out.
  17. Love the pics. Is that a couple maniacs trying for outdoor dining? Or just curbside?
  18. You're in the sweet spot for sure. I'm guessing you need 4 wheel drive up there....
  19. Well it has stopped here, very, very light now, Hope its not subsidence, the bane of snowstorms in these parts....
  20. Thanks, close enough to me in this setup. Hopefully a few more of those bands we had earlier will pop up, that could get us to 5-6. If it stays at this rate probably not, but still looks picture perfect out; I even saw a bald eagle this morning, in Colonia. And a guy on x country skiis in the park....he was having a ball.
  21. Anyone do a measurement in Woodbridge area? We were under a heavy band but haven't been for awhile.
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