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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. The only decent snow that season...when I see snow in Oct or Nov now, I don't expect much after....there's some theory for this but it's beyond my understanding.But I do remember a storm in 2014 that laid down a nice thump then flipped to rain for hours, and back to some snow and sleet to cap it off....was the last big one that year....
  2. Coming from you, that's a bold statement...Bullish on this threat?
  3. Was the record for Feb set in 2010 at 37? i seem to remember that....
  4. Surprised to see you less than bullish...I was starting to think this might be significant and add to our total this season....
  5. We dodged one bullet let's hope we can dodge a couple more.
  6. And the winter of 89 wasn't much better, with a blown call of a big snowstorm in Jan where not one flake fell in the metro region.....
  7. Way it goes. Looks like a lot of garbage on tap. Hopefully we find a way to squeeze out another one.
  8. we had a nice, albeit brief run Ant, if it isn't gonna snow the rain would be preferable. Frankly, I'm ready for some sun after all these days of gray. I kinda doubt we don't see at least another snow event, but its very possible. Mother nature once again did not do as expected. Thought we were gonna get some real cold, but alas, not to be. Not a big fan of overly frigid temps anyway. And hey, thanks for posting these runs year after year. You are gonna get some strange looks from your future wife.
  9. I sure hope so. Who needs ice? It would really be a relief...
  10. No one really wants freezing rain. It's such a mess, and we have what looks like days of it coming. I hope to God its sleet at least.
  11. Seems like one of those kitchen sink years....all depends on if March is mellow or roaring....
  12. All I can see from reading the NWS is unsettled weather of the most miserable kind. For days it seems. Never seen anything like prolonged days of sleet and freezing rain. This has potential to be umm, bad.
  13. Putting current storms into historical context adds to an interesting discussion in my view.
  14. March 94 had a big sleet event as well, it capped off that famous winter. There may have been some snow at the start, no one much talks about it; gets lost in the other epic storms that year.
  15. Those we could deal with better than freezing rain, though I could care less about sleet. I will say that those events, at least the Feb one, were big snow events elsewhere, like out in PA, not sure what the deal is with this. Sleet, although less than ZR, is just a pain. But the weather doesn't care what I think....darn it...
  16. 2017 was not good for snow in our area of the metro; the big march storm was 5-6 of sleet. The last big year for above normal snow was 2014; 2015 was above as well but the storms were mostly small and unimpressive. 2016 had one very big event. 2018 had some good events in some parts of the forum ( mine was not among them ). So this is about the best its been in years locally, unless you hate snow and winter, as most people around me do....
  17. Isn't this ice? I'm getting confused. Looks like bad weather on the horizon for a week...
  18. Sleet is often mixed in over here in snow events; I'm talking about pure sleet events, no snow at all. Or icing. We don't usually get ice storms during snowy winters, except at the end like in 2011; after that it was done here. Did have a wicked rainstorm in March though, something which happened in 2007 as well; schools closed due to torrential rains....
  19. Our sleet events IIRC and ice events usually herald the end of snow events for the year. Can't think of a good snow ( 94 excepted, which was anomalous in every respect ) that happened once we had a pure sleet or icing situation. Usually means a pattern change no? Anyway, if we close the books on snow this season ( I hope not right ? ) we can still say it was a winner, even if not a blockbuster.
  20. About the same here surprisingly ( your area usually gets more ). Wife says if it snowed this amount each time it would be perfect. Enough to look nice, not enough to cause too many problems....
  21. It's above average, RU counts 33.25, though there can be some variation between our locales, which are close; I'm estimating Dec storms was around 9, big daddy was around 19 here, then 6 or so Sunday, maybe 2-3 tonight. Still coming down here.
  22. This should put my area around 36-37 inches or so for the season, roughly.
  23. Pleasant surprise; I think we will make it to 3.
  24. There were two ice events that year, but it snowed first; so the ice accrued on top of a couple inches of snow; so it wasn't pure ice, but it didn't matter, as the effect was the same; youcould not do anything except chop your way out or pour tons of salt on it to get some temporary grip ( I was teaching in Elizabeth at the time, and they were notorious for never calling snow days, but that changed that year ) which is what my employer tried to do. I believe the really bad one was near MLK day.
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