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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. What do you have over there? Looks around an inch here; had a few bands come through but not sustained yet.
  2. What should i tell the wife about work? She goes in and needs time in her lab; for once I cant say what the storm is gonna do. Typically she goes in from late morning or early afternoon til her experiments are run, which could be late evening. This storm is a bit weird in its evolution; she would be going down 287 from Woodbridge to S. Plainfield. I told her i'd get the best info on the storm right here....
  3. I'm in Mt Holly zone, but short ( 20 min on foot ) distance from Upton zone...never know who to go with....
  4. Thanks. I am a Luddite and didn't even know I could do that....
  5. The mods get tired of moving things from what I gather; sometimes my stuff is deleted but I don't worry about it; it's usually because I'm way off topic. There's usually more buzz in here about the storms but dare i say, folks might not appreciate them coming such quick succession? And the last one was pretty minor, 2-4. Then the sleet/ice storms kinda fizzled.
  6. Sorry and I knew that was coming...remember I worked in education for 33 years so I start lecturing. Will try to PM folks on this kinda stuff.
  7. If you really want to shudder, look up Carl Panzeram....who shared a floor with the Birdman....now Panzeram was most definitely a sociopath.
  8. Yes it is a famous case studied by just about everyone in mental health, social sciences etc. because Leopold was not a sociopath, and he did turn his life around and upon his release lived a productive life serving others, incredibly. Loeb died in prison in 1936; he was the more likely sociopath.
  9. Yes, but none of them were "psycho" they knew right from wrong and were reality oriented. In short, just evil. Very few people with psychosis are actually a danger to others or organized enough to plan serial killings. There have been a few, but more than a few have BS'd the shrinks into thinking they were nuts ( Kenneth Bianchi, Berkowitz, possibly Kallinger ). Dahmer was one who actually was a little psychotic but his main feature was sociopathy. If you have a chance to catch it, Netflx's Mindhunter is the best drama about this stuff.
  10. Son of Sam, now there was one of the great BS artists of the era; convinced them all he was psycho. He wasn't, he was a sociopath and a serial killer. And it was very unfair to people who have psychosis, the vast majority of whom are nonviolent and just want to get better. Summer of Sam is a movie that goes into it, along with the whole Reggie phenomenon.....
  11. It may have been Feb, it was a long time ago...my first year teaching, and school was canceled. Never saw a flake.
  12. Bet they didn't need it for another two years; after that, bet they were glad they bought it ( if it still ran; most of them don't when you go to start them up; it's a good idea to take it in for servicing in the fall ).
  13. At least in the New Brunswick area, this is generally true; a decent event in Dec usually means more is on the way, but it was unusual for Jan to be so bereft of snow...
  14. Jan 1989 was also a big bust, because there was no precip at all in most of the area....I guess forecasting has made some strides.
  15. I remember a dude arguing with the staff at Home Depot because they were out of salt; I said, friend, don't worry about it. You won't need it. He was like what? I said the storm has been canceled. No one there believed me....
  16. Maybe out your way; here, we had two days of school cancelations waiting on 2 feet; we got less than an inch of sleet. It was embarrassing. In Jan 2015 we at least had 6-7 inches out here.
  17. We have been burned worse by Miller B's though; pretty sure the infamous March 2001, now almost 20 years ago, phased too late for us....
  18. Was boxing Day storm a Miller A/ Just west of the coast totals were much less
  19. They used to happen once a decade or so....
  20. These storms on models always waffle a bit; it looks like there will be a significant event on tap, perhaps the last one for awhile, but it won't be epic. Will still be a slog for lots of people.
  21. So a significant storm with modest accumulations made somewhat more hazardous by potential sleet and rain. I'm thinking more like 3-6 based on other storms of this ilk I've witnessed. Sleet could keep it from being higher. But it will still need to be respected. I'd sleep in if possible.
  22. Yup. In one of the great cinematic performances.
  23. Do you pick your toes....( famous 70's movie reference for you youngsters )
  24. There is treatment available for this.
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