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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. See my updated post. And Eeyore gets a bad rap:) And I thought I was going out of my way to be less negative. Guess it didn't work?
  2. Are we only allowed to post observations if we are getting rocked? It's hard to hide my disappointment, sorry about it. But it's a good suggestion to do something else. Which is what I'm gonna do. Sleep a bit then maybe some French toast. Or pancakes. With blueberries. Side of eggs and hash browns. Will warm up a cold morning, dontcha think?
  3. Well, gonna try to get some extra sleep. Don't expect much more outta this one. See you all later. Rack up some numbers, out there on LI and points south!
  4. Bad here too, though we have 5.5 according to one local who measured.
  5. Let me guess, I'm in one of those subsidence zones....is there some reason these zones tend to set up in the same areas? I've gotta wonder, because it happens in a number of storms. Must have something to do with the bay and geography.
  6. Spoke to a friend who is a "normal" over in Piscataway; told the shore was getting rocked he replied "better them than us." Which sums up how most people view it around in my parts.....Still a bit better rates would be nice. Already had a storm of this level this year. Well winter ain't over yet.
  7. I think we are going to struggle to get beyond 6. Every map thrown out had us straggling the 7-12 line. The rates now just aren't going to cut it. This happens every time in these east based storms. We did better on Jan 2015 and Feb 2013. We need a few bands to make it west but it just ain't happening. I will note that its early and we can still rack up another inch or two throughout the day. Damn tight gradients!
  8. Just went out and checked. Snow has lightened up a lot here. The lack of reports from Middlesex County area tell me a lot; I see Jersey Shore, LI and some NYC here but my cohorts are all MIA. Some NW folks reporting in with a few inches.
  9. Think you meant something else; our point is they are actually even less west than modeled. We were looking at possibly 6-10, but that is unlikely now. Well maybe 6. 10 is almost certainly out, barring some radical change in the storm. It is what it is. It's a wintry day, just not a big event over here. Still hazardous to drive and generally a nasty morning, but not a big deal.
  10. They seem to stop at the Hudson it seems......in these eastern coastals. We get the sloppy seconds.
  11. It was in the some of the cards on and off right? 7 is gonna be tough at this rate. I'm usually good for 4-5 in these set ups. That little triangular cut to the west of Raritan Bay...leaves us high and dry in coastal storms but too far south for NW storms. Such has it ever been, though sometimes we get ours.
  12. We are out of it my friend. Those bands aren't coming even a little west, are they?
  13. Folks in LI and the Jersey Shore enjoy your big storm! If we snow all day here we might get to 6. We'll see.
  14. Reminding me of 2/6/10....not quite as bad, but 3-6 while 20 mins down the GSP has over a foot....and this was seen on many models. Oh well, looks nice out anyway. We are getting snow here but not heavy rates, and the wind is tearing it up. Just north of the GSP bridge.
  15. Pretty unimpressive over here in Woodbridge after snowing all night; light snow, lots of wind, looks to be less than 4 OTG. Guess the best bands stayed east of us.
  16. The heaviest bands look to be exactly where they were progged to me; not getting much west of lower SI if I'm seeing it right. Damn close to me though. We're snowing at a good clip but not getting those sick bands. Which is what was expected IIRC.
  17. Steady snow in Woodbridge; not a super band, but def coming down at a decent clip. A few hours of this we can hit 6 or more.
  18. Coming down at a good clip in Woodbridge right now. Just moved the car. Pretty cold out there.
  19. Why bother to troll on a weather forum? On a Friday night? I mean, I know there's a pandemic on and people are not going out much, but there's a lot of good tv streaming these days....
  20. Was he the guy during Ida? If so he was excellent....
  21. It's really tight, and my area is always on that line. Could go either way.
  22. Ok. Given the guy who suggested it, I wouldn't put much stock in it. Not gonna mention the name.
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