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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. I've got some drifts too....but they are closer to 5 inches! Ok, more like 10 inches.....
  2. Snow has stopped and we seem to be done here. Max of 6-8 inches widespread in Middlesex County area from reports here. Don't know for a fact if anyone actually hit 8 but someone probably did.
  3. Yeah if it was a widespread 6-10 it would be one thing, but seeing monstrous amounts within driving distance does take the wind out of things. But it is still a good event in an otherwise boring winter. Got to use some of the winter gear. Took a nice ride; area was deserted. People have come to life now and are out and about; we are still snowing a little better than before, but again not enough to make a big difference at this juncture. My wife actually prefers we stay around 3-6, more than that its a PIA she thinks. But the consensus seems to be around 6-8 here, most of which fell at night.
  4. It's a bit frustrating to always be on that line; if it's cold enough for all snow, we're too far west. Storm comes west, we mix. Last year our totals were cut in the big storm by the sleet; Topped out at 18 but areas north did a lot better.
  5. You are the go to guy for Metuchen....we needed those overnight bands to hang on a little longer. But it's still a nice snow and I will take a stroll in either Merrill or Roosevelt later just for the atmosphere. It really is a nice pond and I'm sure the skating rink will be open. At least we didn't kill ourselves with cleanup.
  6. it's hard to measure and I may even have more than 6, but with the blowing around and small flakes. And that 6 all probably fell overnight. Daytime production in our areas has been pitiful. But there were plenty of models that showed about this much for us, some less, and more than a few showed a lot more. I will say that it was not as bad as the shutout of 2/6/10, because we do have plowable snow. It's more like Jan 2015 or Feb 2013 ( in that one we weren't expecting it so it was all gravy IIRC ).
  7. Got a BIL there. He is evil when it comes to snow. Hates the stuff, but loves ME. He's got a plow and a tractor with a snowblower attached. And is in the country. So he will be alright. They killed the chickens before the storm. Soup.
  8. Not seeing much accumulation in areas I've cleaned and that was 2 hours ago. Too much wind and not enough heavier bands. Think we top out around 6-8 as someone else here mentioned. Really surprised at how well some northern areas did; they weren't far from our numbers. So a widespread impact storm, even though our impact was light, compared to the disaster areas that are happening elsewhere; and make no mistake, 2 feet of snow will qualify for some sort of disaster aid. Insurance companies must be hating the weather these days....
  9. Thanks for the update. I'll say it's about the same over here in Woodbridge. It is snowing a little steadier now but again not the kind of snow to add more than an inch or two. 8 would be an achievement.
  10. anyone have an update for Middlesex County NJ? A friend says around 6 in Piscataway. Too cold for me to go back out. ENjoying hot french toast and coffee. Call it brunch.
  11. You know despite your distance north, your totals aren't far off from mine, and I'm closer to the big show. I didn't figure on you folks seeing that much up there.
  12. LOL I picked up 1/2 in 2 hours....way it goes. Some people here are still terrified of a blizzard and they're like dude it's STILL snowing and I'm like relax, we aren't getting that here. Calm down. You'd be surprised how many people are terrified of snow.
  13. The wind is killing us with the lighter bands we are getting. How much you got? I'm over in Colonia. Dude in Metuchen says around 6+, he's pretty reliable.
  14. I think parts of NNJ did better than I expected, while in my area we did a little worse; but it wasn't really a bust as we were never expected to get giant amounts, though 8-10 was on the table. A little jog west of those bands would have done it.
  15. 10 minutes east of me. 2 inch difference. That's how these storms go sometimes. But the difference between 6-8 isn't worth losing sleep over. Well, none of this is actually....
  16. It's a decent event for the area, no question. But just couldn't get those sick bands to back over us. A couple hours of that and we'd have been in the 12 range. As it is it seemed to peter out around 6 am and never really got going again. The wind is also beating up the dendrites no?
  17. I don't see how we get there, really. Is it doing much by you ? It's really anemic here in Woodbridge. Visibility is good. Just went to Shop Rite. People are out shopping. Gotta be careful but not really a big deal here. Great for the snow plow contractors. Haven't seen a municipal plow yet today.
  18. Yeah but the rates are anemic. We got what we got and 7 will be a win. Can't count the other guy's money, they say.....
  19. Same here. Way it is. Get out and enjoy. Will take a walk later.
  20. I don't think we are going to put much more down here as the snows are light, so I'm going out to clean up the 5-6 we got, which won't be too hard since a lot of the walkway has been blown clean. Can still see the grass in parts of my yard; the winds didn't help with the accumulations. At least we didn't miss the whole party right? Guess we got our best bands early on. I told my wife we didn't get that much snow and she was like oh good! It's tough being a weenie when you are surrounded by normal people.....
  21. Well someone has to be in the screw zone, though I wouldn't technically call it that bad, we do have snow OTG. Some areas to my west have even less. I never wanted two feet though, it is tough for me to handle.
  22. Well my son takes classes at the NY Aquarium and it takes him about 30 mins to get there from here on a weekend. That's Brooklyn. Weekdays would be worse I guess.
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