Long time ago, but a foot I would have remembered; it was the last storm I ever used a shovel for, and I remember discussing it with my supervisor the day before. It was a decent snow, but nothing to write home about, and it was a weekend. Other areas had more. We'd just been through the hellacious winter of 94, so this lone event was a story for that reason alone. And compared to the icefests of 94 and the concrete of ice 10 inches of March 93, this one was pretty tame. Frankly, anything under about 18 inches just isn't massive after all I've seen. That said, doubt we'll see even 12 inches for the season this year. Somewhere between 8-10 inches sounds about right. Again, it was a decent storm, but not massive IMHO. Others may feel differently. One other thing, I am literally a stone's throw from Union Co, and if you look at the one map he posted, wide areas there had 8.5 inches. in fact I use the Rahway forecast because Mt. Holly doesn't really work for me.