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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Big factors in human life expectancy are improvements in infant and child mortality. The wealthy even in antiquity could live to very old ages. Also, life expectancy is declining in the USA.
  2. Was just reading about Europe. I think we are in trouble. The article said this is unprecedented, at least in recorded history.
  3. I just put the garbage out and there were bugs all over the inside of the trash can. Looked like some kind of fruit flies.
  4. Yeah, my 20 year old daughter just looked outside and said, we really aren't getting any snow this winter? I said probably not. Remember, she has grown up with some real blockbusters. Stuff I never witnessed as a kid.
  5. Long time ago, but a foot I would have remembered; it was the last storm I ever used a shovel for, and I remember discussing it with my supervisor the day before. It was a decent snow, but nothing to write home about, and it was a weekend. Other areas had more. We'd just been through the hellacious winter of 94, so this lone event was a story for that reason alone. And compared to the icefests of 94 and the concrete of ice 10 inches of March 93, this one was pretty tame. Frankly, anything under about 18 inches just isn't massive after all I've seen. That said, doubt we'll see even 12 inches for the season this year. Somewhere between 8-10 inches sounds about right. Again, it was a decent storm, but not massive IMHO. Others may feel differently. One other thing, I am literally a stone's throw from Union Co, and if you look at the one map he posted, wide areas there had 8.5 inches. in fact I use the Rahway forecast because Mt. Holly doesn't really work for me.
  6. I'm seeing 8.5, which is less than even I thought. This is not a massive storm. This is a just a storm. Esp after the previous winter.....
  7. I wouldn't call it massive. At least not in these parts.
  8. That would be a win in these circumstances.
  9. The only thing that could bail this winter out would be Feb 2006 type storm. other than that, I'm thinking selling the big snow blower was the right move. Don't need a big one anymore anyway; don't have to get out for work.
  10. It was an awful year for a lot of other reasons.....in fact not having any snow that year turned out to be a small blessing. Imagine if March had been snowy like some prior years...
  11. Yesterday I saw insects flying in the garden. This would have been unthinkable when I was a kid.
  12. IMBY 2015 had a lot of mixing and small events. 2014 was great.
  13. Just a question folks I have not seen Uncle W around to opine on history. Anyone know what happened? I'm not here that often in the warmer months.
  14. My SIL is down from Maine, Lewiston area. They've had some snow but it's all gone. They expect a little more this time of year.
  15. 2018, but most of those storms underperformed in my area. Just not a snow magnet here in N Middlesex County. 2016 and Dec 2010 were jackpots, oh and Jan 2011. The rest are all just also rans....( not counting prior decades ).
  16. You may have had big storm in Dec 2020; we had a few inches. But that would be fine right about now....
  17. SAD is a legitimate and serious disorder; in fact. when summers are cloudy and rainy, as I think 89 was, people can get a summer version of it. Far more people get depressed over cold and snow than are happy about it.
  18. But patterns often suck for us. Global warming OTOH, is an existential threat. I can live without snow, but problem as I see it is that it is abnormal not to see some level of snow in winter, and that is concerning. A couple if 3-6 inchers if nothing else, but sometimes we don't even see that. Had a run of such years in the past, for different reasons.
  19. We have? I can think of 2, 2013 and 2018. Ok, now that I think of it, 2015, but that had some real cold to work with it and none of the snows were memorable, except the very last one around here, which was 8-10 inches ( the upper limits for march storms in my area ). Generally if it doesn't do much in Dec that means it's not lookin good around the New Brunswick area. Your area might be different. And some of those good backend years like 2018 basically missed my area.
  20. A winter that changed the world, and one I'd like to forget. I do like to see a snow storm or two, but this winter has dud written all over it. Glad I sold off a snowblower before it became obvious it won't be needed. In our area, this kind of pattern can leave us with nothing but a few flurries or dustings. Maybe some sleet. For the entire winter. Keeps the snow haters, of which there are many, happy at least.
  21. There are plenty of journal articles on these topics. This forum is about the upcoming weather. If you really want to know the answers you can find plenty of good information from legitimate sources online or in your local library. You don't even have to search for them, the librarian will do it for you.
  22. Do you think the drier conditions this year will continue and limit impacts? Haven't had heavy precip in a long time. Sure was a challenge with the garden this season. Retired now so don't pay as much attention as I used to....
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