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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. sharpening the hooks and re-spooling the reels....
  2. It's breaking through to the MSM now, and I just saw a Columbia scientist comment that while it is due to local variation, it is also due to climate change. So we are going to be seeing more winters with less snow. Snowed in ME yesterday, around 3-6 from my SIL's photos; she wants an electric snow blower to deal with these "nuisance" events...
  3. Generally true ( though in 2011 after an epic Jan that was all she wrote ) and I hope we can salvage an event out of it, but I think we make a run at a record this year and likely see nothing substantial. Just based on pure speculation.
  4. It's a brisk late autumn day....LOL. Just brought in the garbage cans while out in shirtsleeves....
  5. Or carp, starlings or pigeons. Didn't realize pigeons aren't native. But then, neither are most of us.....
  6. Wasn't the recreational sector; there were never enough of us to wipe out a whole population. it's industrial fishing gear. In fact, at least half of the plastics problem in the ocean is from discarded commercial gear. Recreational fishing in the NY Bight reached its zenith in the mid-80s and has declined precipitously ever since, with the only decent fishing left for striped bass, which has no commercial fishery as it has gamefish status. All the other species have to be allocated to the commercial sector, and we see the results.
  7. Snowed in Maine today. About 3-6, which is nothing for them, but they've been in a snow drought too. They can manage some snow in awful conditions because its just colder.
  8. Ocean creatures will go into brackish water, but as mentioned earlier, I think the dolphins are there because they are having trouble finding a food source. It's certainly not because the fisheries are recovering. They are not.
  9. It will fall but will be melted by day's end.....
  10. Agreed. If we get anything at all it will be a big deal. I haven't even purchased road salt this year. Didn't even start the snowblowers. I didn't even move them out of storage, actually. The mice are happy at least....
  11. Had you been old enough to live through the 80's and 90s a winter like this would be no big surprise; even though it was colder on average, I'd be flounder fishing by the end of Feb and party boats would be ready to sail by early March; in recent decades not only was March too cold, but the fisheries disappeared, along with the party boats, as well. I only remember 4 storms in all of the 80s; Jan 82 ( the famous plane crash in the Potomac; the storm made it up here ) April 82, Feb 83, and Jan 87. There were some piddly events in 84 and 85. The 90's had two epic winters, 94 and 96, and 93 had the march superstorm. That's it. Over 20 years, and the 70s weren't much to talk about either; only the winter of 78 stands out.
  12. you'd think they'd be used to that....
  13. What are actual scientists saying? JB just has a BS; about the same level as an entry level accountant or elementary teacher, neither of which he would probably be as good as. A guy who is so off base on so many things simply can't be taken seriously on, well, anything. So how about some others? Serious question, not being snide.
  14. It's just one of those winters. Nothing much is likely to happen. Reminds me of the 90's a lot. It's even warmer than that. Probably get a little inch or two event in March. They can't buy a flake even in much of Maine, let alone NJ.
  15. I bought a big LL Bean winter parka that year, and did not need it until 1994. I've mentioned this before, but so bereft of snow were we in the early 90's that the Star ledger actually ran a headline asking whatever happened to winter? My older relatives would say, remember the snow storms we used to have? Then came 94, 96....and then nada for several years. Thing is, we can and will go years without much snow, but it is obvious climate change is going to make snowier winters harder to come by. In 2010 Philly and the Mid Atlantic had a winter the likes of which we still haven't seen here, but that seems to have been it for them.
  16. He will be able to tell his grandkids that he's seen snow.....
  17. Oh, they mean something alright. People just don't like what they have to say.
  18. "I'll fight you with one arm!"
  19. FWIW I just sent my SIL back to ME this morning; no snow OTG there in Lewiston area.
  20. This has got to be the most boring winter here I can remember since joining this site. Day after day of nothing happening....we are just about mid-Jan. I'm already looking at seed catalogs. Hopefully we won't have yet another cool spring that delays planting: I held off til May 31 last year after losing too many eggplants and peppers to cold temps.
  21. It was stormier, and windy. I remember a warm rainy wind that blew my screen door open and shattered the glass, and what a PIA it was to get that replaced. There was a half inch or so late in winter, they didn't bother to salt, and my big Dodge pickup slid down a hilly road before slamming into a curb, ruining the axle. It was a fitting end to a crap winter. I have written before, that I did not touch the snowblower from the end of 96 until the storm of Dec. 2000. There was simply no need. And there were some unbearable summers in there too, like 99.
  22. As much as I love a good snow, I'm not missing it that much. It'll be back again. Someday.
  23. Well there was March 93, but in most of NJ it mixed leaving us with 10 inches of icy concrete.
  24. This is just one of those winters. I haven't needed a real jacket since the brief ice box and have been walking outside in the mornings with summer weight hiking pants and and a fleece jacket. Haven't even needed a hat or gloves.
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